Evaluation of the product based on RecaldentTM technology in the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity
Kowalczyk A, Botuliński B, Jaworska M, Kierklo A, Pawińska M, D¹browska E
Purpose: The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficiency of GC Tooth Mousse in the treatment of patients with dentin hypersensitivity caused by various factors.
Material and methods: The evaluation was carried out on 101 teeth with dentin hypersensitivity in 13 patients. Patients with gingival recession and exposed dental necks and those with non-carious lesions at the initial stage were selected. The initial examination was to evaluate the intensity of pain inducted by a stream of the air syringe and by probing the tooth surface. It was repeated directly after the preparation application, after 15 minutes, after 1 and 4 weeks.
Results: After the
medicine application, the number of teeth reacting with strong or
extremely strong pain decreased (from almost 80% to 37.62%). The
percentage of teeth reacting with mild pain increased by 15% and the
number of teeth which did not react to the cold air stream also
increased by 27.72%. The values after 15 minutes were similar. A week
later, the percentage of teeth with very strong pain was elevated and
so was the percentage of medium pain. On the other hand, the number
of teeth without pain and with mild pain decreased twice. After one
month the percentage distribution was close to the results obtained
after 7 days.
1. GC Tooth Mousse
preparation, based on RecaldentTM technology reveals insufficient
effectiveness and short-term therapeutic effect in treating
hypersensitivity of dentine.
2. It seems that soothing the pain by
GC Tooth Mousse should be regarded rather as an additional
remineralizing effect of the medicine.
Key words: dentin
hypersensitivity, RecaldentTM technology, clinical evaluation of
the treatment, GC Tooth Mousse.