Assessment of dentition status and oral hygiene in first year dental students, Medical University of Białystok

Dąbrowska E, Letko R, Balunowska M


Purpose: Caries, a social ailment, is one of the diseases of civilization of the 20th century. In Poland, the incidence rate of caries is very high both in the young and adults. The major etiological factors of caries are: improper oral hygiene, diet based on carbohydrate-rich and highly processed food products, neglect of prophylaxis and dental check-up. The aim of the study was to assess dental status and oral hygiene of the first year dental students, Medical University of Białystok, through the analysis of the chosen caries and dental plaque indices.
Material and methods: The study group consisted of 70 first year dentistry students, including 50 women and 20 men, aged 19-23 years. Dentition status and oral hygiene were assessed using basic dental instruments, in artificial light, in clinical settings of the Department of Social Dentistry and Prophylaxis, Medical University of Białystok.

Results and conclusions: The record analysis showed a very high caries frequency index and a low treatment index. However, proper oral hygiene was observed, which may indicate greater health-promoting awareness among future dentists. Poor dentition status found in the study group of dental students may be due to neglect of oral hygiene, prophylaxis and lack of systematic dental control in the earlier age periods.

Key worlds: dentition status, oral hygiene, dental students.