About the journal
Volume 53 (No.2), 2008
VOLUME 53 (No.2), 2008 : : Table of contents : :
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Author: J Morisset
Authors: R J Reiter, S D Paredes, A Korkmaz, L C Manchester and D X Tan
Authors: H Allgayer and S Fulda
Authors: S Carreau, C de Vienne and I Galeraud-Denis
Authors: T Kamisawa and K Satake
Authors: F Gallucci, R Russo, R Buono, R Acampora, E Madrid and G Uomo
Authors: M Jarosz and E Rychlik
Authors: J Fajdić, N Gotovac, Z Hrgović and W J Fassbender
Authors: E H Herskovits and R Chen
Authors: E H Herskovits, R N Bryan and F Yang
Authors: T Gedrange, J Weingärtner, A Hoffmann, G Homuth, F Ernst, I Bokan, R Mai and P Proff
Authors: J L Smith, B M Malinauskas, K J Garner and K Barber-Heidal
Authors: D Stettin, A Waldmann, A Ströhle and A Hahn
Authors: J Gajewska, J Ambroszkiewicz, B Radomyska, M Chełchowska, M Ołtarzewski, T Laskowska-Klita and A Milanowski
Authors: W Tarnawski, M Frączek, M Jeleń, T Kręcicki and M Zalesska-Kręcicka
Authors: E Danila, L Jurgauskienė and R Malickaitė
Authors: S Hlutkin and V Zinchuk
Authors: A V Prochorov, S I Tretjak, V A Goranov, A A Glinnik and M V Goltsev
19. No association of glucocorticoid receptor polymorphisms with asthma and response to glucocorticoids
Authors: A Szczepankiewicz, A Bręborowicz, P Sobkowiak and A Popiel
Authors: S Brużewicz, R Matkowski, G Świątoniowski, E Suder, M Setta, A Połozowski, K Żychowicz, B Szynglarewicz and J Kornafel
Authors: M Syczewska, B Dembowska-Bagińska, M Perek-Polnik, M Kalinowska and D Perek
Authors: B Rostkowska-Nadolska, M Kapral, U Mazurek, M Fraczek, P Ziolkowski and E Gamian
Authors: E Czeczuga-Semeniuk and S Wołczyński
Authors: M Czygier, Ł Dakowicz and M Szmitkowski
Authors: J Semeniuk, M Kaczmarski and M Uścinowicz
Authors: J Semeniuk and M Kaczmarski
Authors: D Dudzik, M Knas, M Gocal, M Borzym-Kluczyk, S D Szajda, K Knaś-Karaszewska, J Tomaszewski and K Zwierz
Authors: A Kiluk, D B Namiot, Z Namiot, K Leszczyńska, A J Kurylonek and A Kemona
Authors: D B Namiot, K Leszczyńska, Z Namiot, A J Kurylonek and A Kemona
Authors: T Sierpinska, M Golebiewska and M Lapuc
Authors: W Sobaniec, W Kulak, B Bielewicz and P Sobaniec
Authors: M Garley and E Jablonska
Authors: G A Stavrou, R Fischer, S Kaczmarek, M Kirschstein and K J Oldhafer
Authors: U Sadat, D G Cooper, C Cousins and J R Boyle
Authors: B Dikici, H Uzun, C Konca, H Kocamaz and S Yel
Authors: S Gourgiotis, P Alfaras and N S Salemis