About the journal

Advances in Medical Sciences            Advances in Medical Sciences

Volume 55 (No.2), 2010


  Volume 55 (No.2), 2010


: : Table of contents : :




1. Pilomatricoma of the arm with extensive ossification.
Authors: O Ioannidis, T Stavrakis, A Cheva, N Papadimitriou, A Kotronis, E Kakoutis, N Makrantonakis

2. The unusually large striae distensae all over the body.
Authors: H Rotsztejn, B Juchniewicz, M Nadolski, J Wendorff, B Kamer

3. Polymorphism of 11 non-CODIS STRs in a population sample of religious minority of Old Believers residing in northeastern Poland.
Authors: W Pepinski, M Skawronska, J Janica, A Niemcunowicz-Janica

4. Kynurenine pathway – a new link between endothelial dysfunction and carotid atherosclerosis in chronic kidney disease patients.
Authors: K Pawlak, M Mysliwiec, D Pawlak

5. Abdominal pain and ECG alteration: a simple diagnosis?
Authors: R Pezzilli, L Bellacosa, B Barakat

6. Somatosensory evoked potentials in epileptic children treated with carbamazepine or valproate in monotherapy – a preliminary study.
Authors: K Sendrowski, W Sobaniec, L Boćkowski, W Kułak, J Śmigielska-Kuzia

7. Kynurenine and its metabolites in Alzheimer’s disease patients.
Authors: E Gulaj, K Pawlak, B Bien, D Pawlak

8. Contemporary management of atrial fibrillation: a brief review.
Authors: YZ Xue, LX Wang

9. Expression of Fas receptor on human T lymphocytes under stimulation with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato – preliminary results.
Authors: S Grygorczuk, J Osada, R Świerzbińska, J Zajkowska, M Kondrusik, S Pancewicz, M Dąbrowska

10. Cerebral sinus thrombosis as a complication of Crohn’s disease: a case report.
Authors: M Targosz-Gajniak, M Arkuszewski, S Ochudlo, G Opala

11. Patient factors affecting culture of Helicobacter pylori isolated from gastric mucosal specimens.
Authors: K Leszczyńska, A Namiot , Z Namiot, JK Leszczyńska, P Jakoniuk, M Chilewicz, DB Namiot, A Kemona, R Milewski, R Bucki

12. The retrospective evaluation of pneumonia and bronchitis cases in infants and small children with atopic dermatitis in the practice of a family doctor – personal observations.
Authors: J Frankowska, B Kamer, E Trznadel-Budźko, H Rotsztejn

13. Risk factors for cerebral palsy in term birth infants.
Authors: W Kułak, B Okurowska-Zawada, D Sienkiewicz, G Paszko-Patej, E Krajewska-Kułak

14. Serological evidence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD: analysis of 100 hospitalizations.
Authors: GS Papaetis, E Anastasakou, T Tselou, A Sotiriou, VC Rarra, P Roussou, A Karakatsani, D Orphanidou

15. The occurrence of Helicobacter pylori antigens in dental plaque; an association with oral health status and oral hygiene practices.
Authors: DB Namiot, K Leszczyńska, Z Namiot, M Chilewicz, R Bucki, A Kemona

16. Propofol vs isoflurane anesthesia-incidence of PONV in patients at maxillofacial surgery.
Authors: A Gecaj-Gashi, M Hashimi, F Sada, N Baftiu, S Salihu, H Terziqi, B Bruqi

17. Dysphagia in children with infantile cerebral palsy.
Authors: D Otapowicz, W Sobaniec, B Okurowska-Zawada, B Artemowicz, K Sendrowski , W Kułak, L Boćkowski, J Kuzia-Śmigielska

18. Effects of serotonin depletion on behavior and neuronal oxidative stress status in rat: relevance for anxiety and affective disorders.
Authors: A Ciobica, L Hritcu, M Padurariu, R Dobrin, V Bild

19. Blood serum levels of amino-terminal pro-C-type natriuretic peptide in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Authors: A Olewicz-Gawlik, D Trzybulska, P Grala, P Hrycaj

20. IL-8, IL-12 and IL-10 cytokines generation by neutrophils, fibroblasts and neutrophils- fibroblasts interaction in psoriasis.
Authors: E Glowacka, P Lewkowicz, H Rotsztejn, A Zalewska

21. Atopy patch test in the diagnosis of food allergy in children with gastrointestinal symptoms.
Authors: B Cudowska, M Kaczmarski

22. Cytotoxicity of Aspergillus strains isolated from the neonatal intensive care unit environment.
Authors: A Gniadek, AB Macura, M Twarużek, J Grajewski

23. Phase I study of Paclitaxel, Cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil combination chemotherapy for unresectable / recurrent gastric cancer.
Authors: J Kato, A Nagahara, K Iijima, T Kodani, Y Higashihara, M Yoshimura, N Serizawa, T Osada, T Yoshizawa, M Otaka, S Watanabe

24. A mini-nutritional assessment of older Poles in relation to the food intake model and food intake variety.
Authors: E Niedźwiedzka, L Wądołowska

25. Analysis of quality of life of women in menopause period in Poland, Greece, Belarus and Belgium using MRS Scale. A multicenter study.
Authors: K Krajewska - Ferishah, E Krajewska-Kułak, S Terlikowski, H Wiktor, K Van Damme-Ostapowicz, A Chadzopulu, J Adraniotis, A Shpakou

26. Clinical utility of biochemical bone turnover markers in children and adolescents with osteosarcoma.
Authors: J Ambroszkiewicz, J Gajewska, T Klepacka, M Chełchowska, T Laskowska-Klita, W Woźniak

27. Outcome and treatment strategy in female lung cancer: a single institution experience.
Authors: S Cicėnas, J Kurtinaitis, G Smailytė

28. Neuroimaging in assessment of risk of stroke in children with sickle cell disease.
Authors: M Arkuszewski, ER Melhem, J Krejza

29. Modulation of oxidative stress by Chlorella vulgaris in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic Sprague-Dawley rats.
Authors: O Aizzat, SW Yap, H Sopiah, MM Madiha, M Hazreen, A Shailah, WY Wan Junizam, A Nur Syaidah, D Srijit, M Musalmah, MY Yasmin Anum

30. Long-term weight gain and metabolic syndrome, adiponectin and C-reactive protein in women aged 50-60 years.
Authors: A Stefanska, G Sypniewska, B Blaszkiewicz, I Ponikowska, L Szternel, J Chojnowski

31. Evaluation of the influence of ozonotherapy on the clinical parameters and MMP levels in patients with chronic and aggressive periodontitis.
Authors: A Skurska, MD Pietruska, A Paniczko-Drężek, E Dolińska, B Żelazowska-Rutkowska, J Żak, J Pietruski, R Milewski, J Wysocka

32. Chronic asymptomatic hyperamylasemia unrelated to pancreatic diseases.
Authors: F Gallucci, R Buono, L Ferrara, E Madrid, S Miraglia, G Uomo

33. Trimix instead of air, decreases the effect of short-term hyperbaric exposures on platelet and fibrinolysis activation.
Authors: R Olszański, P Radziwon, P Siermontowski, A Lipska, J Łaszczyńska, K Van Damme-Ostapowicz, J Korsak,  M Bujno, P Gosk, JF Schenk

34. Studer orthotopic ileal bladder substitute construction – surgical technique and complication management: one-center and 12-year experience.
Authors: M Wyczółkowski, K Juszczak, M Rzepecki, T Drewniak, W Klima

35. Gender-specific associations between insulin resistance, hypertension, and markers of inflammation among adult Saudis with and without diabetes mellitus type 2.
Authors: NM Al-Daghri, OS Al-Attas, MS Alokail, KM Alkharfy,  NA Shaik, HM Draz, A Bamakhramah, SLB Sabico

36. Auditory-verbal declarative and operating memory among patients suffering from depressive disorders - preliminary study.
Authors: M Talarowska, A Florkowski, K Zboralski, D Berent, P Wierzbiński, P Gałecki;