About the journal
Volume 54 (No.1), 2009
VOLUME 54 (No.1), 2009
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1. Urinary bone resorption markers (deoxypyridinoline and C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen) in healthy persons, postmenopausal osteoporosis and patients with type I diabetes.
Authors: WJ Fassbender, M Gödde, WM Brandenburg, KH Usadel, UC Stumpf
Authors: WJ Fassbender, M Gödde, WM Brandenburg, KH Usadel, UC Stumpf
2. The effectiveness of enzymatic replacement therapy measured by turbidimetry and the lipemic index in exocrine pancreatic insufficient young, growing pigs, fed a high-fat diet.
Authors: J Donaldson, O Fed’kiv, M Pawłowska, S Kowalik, KH Erlwanger, B Weström, D Kruszewska, SG Pierzynowski
Authors: J Donaldson, O Fed’kiv, M Pawłowska, S Kowalik, KH Erlwanger, B Weström, D Kruszewska, SG Pierzynowski
Authors: E Łoś-Rycharska, A Szaflarska-Popławska
4. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Increased Risk of Injury.
Authors: RM Merrill, JL Lyon, RK Baker, LH Gren
Authors: RM Merrill, JL Lyon, RK Baker, LH Gren
5. Validation of the Russian version of the Quality of Life-Rheumatoid Arthritis Scale (QOL-RA Scale).
Author: LV Sizova
Author: LV Sizova
6. Tissue factor pathway inhibitor release and depletion by sulodexide in humans.
Authors: J Borawski, J Gozdzikiewicz, M Dubowski, K Pawlak, M Mysliwiec
Authors: J Borawski, J Gozdzikiewicz, M Dubowski, K Pawlak, M Mysliwiec
7. Telmisartan lowers albuminuria in type 2 diabetes treated with angiotensin enzyme inhibitors.
Authors: M Mazerska, M Myśliwiec
Authors: M Mazerska, M Myśliwiec
8. Capillary zone electrophoresis method for determination of bitter (α- and β-) acids in hop (Humulus lupulus L.) cone extracts.
Authors: O Kornyšova, Ž Stanius, K Obelevičius, O Ragažinskienė, E Skrzydlewska, A Maruška
Authors: O Kornyšova, Ž Stanius, K Obelevičius, O Ragažinskienė, E Skrzydlewska, A Maruška
9. Effects of S-hexyl-L-cysteine derivatives on prothrombin activation and clotting time determined in the presence of heparin.
Authors: K Midura-Nowaczek, I Bruzgo, D Krajewska
Authors: K Midura-Nowaczek, I Bruzgo, D Krajewska
10. IGF-I, IGF-II, IGFBP2, IGFBP3 and acid-labile subunit (ALS) in colorectal cancer patients before surgery and during one year follow up in relation to age.
Authors: K Sztefko, D Chodorowicz-Zaniewska, T Popiela, P Richter
Authors: K Sztefko, D Chodorowicz-Zaniewska, T Popiela, P Richter
11. Chronic, in vivo, PPARα activation prevents lipid overload in rat liver induced by high fat feeding.
Authors: M Wierzbicki, A Chabowski, M Żendzian-Piotrowska, E Harasim, J Górski
Authors: M Wierzbicki, A Chabowski, M Żendzian-Piotrowska, E Harasim, J Górski
Authors: J Kozińska, KM Sawicka, A Zadrożniak, E Wojda, M Andres-Mach, M Dudra-Jastrzębska, JJ Łuszczki
Authors: JJ Luszczki, M Krzyzanowski, MJ Swiader
14. Chlamydia trachomatis urogenital infection in women with infertility.
Authors: M Wilkowska-Trojniel, B Zdrodowska-Stefanow, I Ostaszewska-Puchalska, M Zbucka, S Wołczyński, C Grygoruk, W Kuczyński, M Zdrodowski
Authors: M Wilkowska-Trojniel, B Zdrodowska-Stefanow, I Ostaszewska-Puchalska, M Zbucka, S Wołczyński, C Grygoruk, W Kuczyński, M Zdrodowski
15. The influence of Chlamydia trachomatis infection on spontaneous abortions.
Authors: M Wilkowska-Trojniel, B Zdrodowska-Stefanow, I Ostaszewska-Puchalska, S Redźko, J Przepieść, M Zdrodowski
Authors: M Wilkowska-Trojniel, B Zdrodowska-Stefanow, I Ostaszewska-Puchalska, S Redźko, J Przepieść, M Zdrodowski
16. Estradiol and tamoxifen differently affects inhibitory effects of vitamin A and their metabolites on proliferation and expression of α2β1 integrins in MCF-7 breast cancer cells.
Authors: E Czeczuga-Semeniuk, D Lemancewicz, S Wołczyński
Authors: E Czeczuga-Semeniuk, D Lemancewicz, S Wołczyński
17. Expression of FasR, Fas-L and Bcl-2 in CD4+ and CD8+ subpopulations of T lymphocytes in the cord blood of healthy full-term newborns, is gender of influence?
Authors: A Wasiluk, K Ratomski, K Wnuczko, J Zak, M Szczepański, J Wysocka, EA Jasińska
Authors: A Wasiluk, K Ratomski, K Wnuczko, J Zak, M Szczepański, J Wysocka, EA Jasińska
18. The influence of the occlusal vertical dimension on masticatory muscle activities and hyoid bone position in complete denture wearers.
Authors: T Sierpińska, M Gołębiewska, J Kuc, M Łapuć
Authors: T Sierpińska, M Gołębiewska, J Kuc, M Łapuć
Authors: E Migliore, C Serraino, C Brignone, D Ferrigno, A Cardellicchio, F Pomero, E Castagna, M Osenda and L Fenoglio
20. Ichthyosis congenita, harlequin fetus type: a case report.
Authors: V Belengeanu, D Stoicanescu, M Stoian, N Andreescu N, C Budişan
Authors: V Belengeanu, D Stoicanescu, M Stoian, N Andreescu N, C Budişan
21. Fungaemia due to Cryptococcus laurentii as a complication of immunosuppressive therapy – a case report.
Authors: K Furman-Kuklińska, B Naumnik, M Myśliwiec