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Advances in Medical Sciences            Advances in Medical Sciences

Volume 51, 2006


::Table of contents::


Liver resection and transplantation using a novel 3D hepatectomy simulation system
Fujimoto J, Yamanaka J
Abstract, Full text


Recent concepts in the management of bowel problems after spinal cord injury
Singal AK, Rosman AS, Bauman WA, Korsten MA
Abstract, Full text


Current topics on precursors to pancreatic cancer
Takaori K, Hruban RH, Maitra A, Tanigawa N
Abstract, Full text


Sperm analyses, genetic counselling and therapy in an infertile carrier of a supernumerary marker chromosome 15
Paetzold U, Schwanitz G, Schubert R, van der Ven K, Montag M
Abstract, Full text


DNA typeability in liquid urine and urine stains using AmpFlSTR SGM Plus
Sołtyszewski I, Pepiński W, Dobrzyńska-Tarasiuk A, Janica J
Abstract, Full text


Overview how adenocarcinoma cancer cells avoid immune- and chemotherapy-induced apoptosis
Pajak B, Orzechowski A
Abstract, Full text


Levels of HBV-DNA, sFas and sFasL among healthy HBsAg carriers in period of three years
Łapiński TW, Kovalczuk O, Flisiak R, Pancewicz J
Abstract, Full text


Biomarkers in clinical practice: a tool to find subjects at high risk for stomach cancer. A personal view
Sipponen P
Abstract, Full text


Antioxidant mechanism of hepatoprotection by ursodeoxycholic acid in experimental alcoholic steatohepatitis
Lukivskaya O, Zavodnik L, Knas M, Buko V
Abstract, Full text


TGF-1 down-regulates ICAM-1 expression and enhances liver metastasis of pancreatic cancer
Sawada T, Kimura K, Nishihara T, Onoda N, Teraoka H, Yamashita Y, Yamada N, Yashiro M, Ohira M, Hirakawa K
Abstract, Full text


The role of positron emission tomography (PET) in diagnostics of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (GEP NET)
Junik R, Drobik P, Małkowski B, Kobus-Błachnio K
Abstract, Full text


Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b and its correlations with other markers of bone metabolism in kidney transplant recipients and dialyzed patients
Małyszko J, Małyszko JS, Pawlak K, Wołczyński S, Myśliwiec M
Abstract, Full text


The effect of extracorporeal efferent detoxication (EED) methods inclusion in the severe community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) treatment
Makarevich A, Pancratova J, Kyrkovsky V
Abstract, Full text


The efficacy and safety of argon plasma coagulation (APC) in the management of polyp remnants in stomach and colon
Neneman B, Gąsiorowska A, Małecka-Panas E
Abstract, Full text


Plasma adiponectin and E-selectin concentrations in patients with coronary heart disease and newly diagnosed disturbances of glucose metabolism
Kowalska I, Strączkowski M, Nikołajuk A, Kinalska I, Górska M, Prokop J, Bachórzewska-Gajewska H, Musiał W
Abstract, Full text


Acute biliary pancreatitis in the era of minimally invasive surgery
Panek J, Rembiasz K, Karcz D, Winiarski M, Zasada J
Abstract,Full text


Early endoscopic sphincterotomy and early laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the treatment of severe acute biliary pancreatitis – a preliminary report
Panek J, Karcz D, Rembiasz K, Budzyński A, Zasada J
Abstract, Full text


The role of adenosine A2a receptors in experimental acute pancreatitis
Celiński K, Prozorow-Król B, Korolczuk A, Słomka M, Korobowicz E, Biskup W, Mądro A, Cichoż-Lach H, Czechowska G
Abstract, Full text


Metabolic effects associated with adipose tissue distribution
Zahorska-Markiewicz B
Abstract, Full text


Magnification chromoendoscopy in comparison to standard chromoendoscopy for detection of intestinal metaplasia in renal transplant recipients
Baczewska-Mazurkiewicz D, Rydzewska G, Milewski J, Durlik M, Lao M, Rydzewski A
Abstract, Full text


Soluble Fas, Fas ligand and Bcl-2 in autoimmune thyroid diseases: relation to humoral immune response markers
Myśliwiec J, Okłota M, Nikołajuk A, Górska M
Abstract, Full text


Does smoking affect thrombocytopoiesis and platelet activation in women and men?
Butkiewicz AM, Kemona-Chętnik I, Dymicka-Piekarska V, Matowicka-Karna J, Kemona H, Radziwon P
Abstract, Full text


End Stage Renal Disease by patients with malignancy – ethical problems
Marczewski K, Przygoda-Dreher A
Abstract, Full text


Safety of various methods of intensive insulin therapy in hospital condition assessed by hypoglycaemic episodes detected with the use of continuous glucose monitoring system
Możdżan M, Ruxer J, Loba J, Siejka A, Markuszewski L
Abstract, Full text


Mucosal gastrin cells and serum gastrin levels in children with Helicobacter pylori infection
Maciorkowska E, Panasiuk A, Kondej-Muszyńska K, Kaczmarski M, Kemona A
Abstract, Full text


The comparison of Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQL) in patients with GERD, peptic ulcer disease and ulcerative colitis
Mokrowiecka A, Jurek K, Pikowski D, Małecka-Panas E
Abstract, Full text


Profiling of peritoneal fluid of women with endometriosis by chemokine protein array
Laudański P, Szamatowicz J, Oniszczuk M
Abstract, Full text


Peptic ulcers and oral health status
Namiot DB, Namiot Z, Kemona A, Gołębiewska M
Abstract, Full text


Antimitotic activity of high affinity ligands for peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR) in some normal and neoplastic cell lines
Miltyk W, Paka M, Karna E, Jarząbek K, Boujrad N, Knapp P
Abstract, Full text


Myeloid and lymphoid dendritic cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes in peripheral blood of non-small cell lung cancer patients – a pilot study
Krawczyk P, Wojas K, Milanowski J, Roliński J
Abstract, Full text


Correlation of B type natriuretic peptides with clinical and echocardiographic parameters in heterogeneous population of patients with symptoms suggestive of heart failure
Piechota WN, Piechota WT, Bejm J, Wierzbowski R, Michałkiewicz D
Abstract, Full text


Determinants of nutritional status of older people in long-term care settings on the example of the nursing home in Biaystok
Wojszel ZB
Abstract, Full text


Myeloid and lymphoid dendritic cells in the peritoneal fluid of women with ovarian cancer
Wertel I, Polak G, Roliński J, Barczyński B, Kotarski J
Abstract, Full text


Effect of hydralazine on CD3- chain expression in Jurkat T cells
Januchowski R, Jagodziski PP
Abstract, Full text


Flow cytometric analysis of CD4+ T cell receptor zeta chain deficiency in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Duriagin S, Ofori H, Jagodziński PP
Abstract, Full text


Photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) using 5-aminolevulinic acid-supplemented cultures of human endometrial epithelial cells
Wołuń-Cholewa M, Warchoł W, Butowska W, Nowak-Markwitz E, Fischer N
Abstract, Full text


Immature reticulocyte fraction (IRF) – an universal marker of hemopoiesis in children with cancer?
Łuczyński W, Ratomski K, Wysocka J, Krawczuk-Rybak M, Jankiewicz J
Abstract, Full text


Protecting the peritoneal membrane in dialyzed patients
Grzegorzewska AE
Abstract, Full text


Realization of International Healthy Hearing Program in Poland – hearing evaluation in participants of Special Olympics
Starska K, Łukomski M
Abstract, Full text


Tumor front grading in prediction of survival and lymph node metastases in patients with laryngeal carcinoma
Starska K, Kulig A, Łukomski M
Abstract, Full text


Activity of coagulation and fibrinolytic system components in the vein thrombus
Guzowski A, Gacko M, Worowska A, Kowalewski R, Ostapowicz R, Płoński A
Abstract, Full text


The use of parotid gland activity analysis in patients with gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) and bulimia nervosa
Paszyńska E, Jurga-Krokowicz J, Shaw H
Abstract, Full text


Plasma fibrinogen concentration in pediatric patients treated with an elimination diet based on soy proteins and casein hydrolyzate
Mikołuć B, Motkowski R, Piotrowska-Jastrzębska J, Janicka K, Koput A, Wysocka J
Abstract, Full text


Empathy in health care providers – validation study of the Polish version of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy
Kliszcz J, Nowicka-Sauer K, Trzeciak B, Nowak P, Sadowska A
Abstract, Full text


Improvement in the accessibility and organization of services of family physicians in a small town in Poland: a comparison of patient opinions between 1998 and 2002
Marcinowicz L, Chlabicz S
Abstract, Full text


Differentiation of IgE-dependent and IgE-independent reactions in children with bronchial asthma on the basis of TOP CAST Paediatric Allergen Mix test
Korol D, Tobolczyk J, Hofman J
Abstract, Full text


Functioning of primary health care in opinion of managers of primary health care units
Bojar I, Wdowiak L, Kwiatosz-Muc M
Abstract, Full text


Alternative therapies in antibiotic-resistant infection
Weber-Dąbrowska B, Zimecki M, Kruzel M, Kochanowska I, Łusiak-Szelachowska M
Abstract, Full text


Ultrastructural study of the submandibular gland of the rat after 6-month exposure to cadmium and zinc in drinking water
Dąbrowska E, Szynaka B, Kulikowska-Karpińska E
Abstract, Full text


Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis infection in women with urogenital diseases
Zdrodowska-Stefanow B, Kłosowska WM, Ostaszewska-Puchalska I, Bułhak-Kozioł V, Kotowicz B
Abstract, Full text


Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum infections in male urethritis and its complications
Zdrodowska-Stefanow B, Kosowska WM, Ostaszewska-Puchalska I, Buhak-Kozio V, Kotowicz B
Abstract, Full text


Orbital pseudotumor caused by a foreign body – a case report
Mariak Z, Żywalewski R, Wojnar M, Sherkawey N
Abstract, Full text


Met-enkephalin in the liver as a marker of hepatocellular damage in chronic viral hepatitis type B and C
Cieśla A, Mach T, Pierzchała-Koziec K, Skwara P, Szczepański W
Abstract, Full text


Serum homocysteine, folate, vitamin B12 and total antioxidant status in vegetarian children
Ambroszkiewicz J, Klemarczyk W, Chechowska M, Gajewska J, Laskowska-Klita T
Abstract, Full text


Osteoprotegerin and C-telopeptide of type I collagen in polish healthy children and adolescents
Gajewska J, Ambroszkiewicz J, Laskowska-Klita T
Abstract, Full text


Event-related cerebral potentials for the diagnosis of subclinical hepatic encephalopathy in patients with liver cirrhosis
Ciećko-Michalska I, Senderecka M, Szewczyk J, Panasiuk A, Słowik A, Wyczesany M, Binder M, Mach T
Abstract, Full text


Influence of nutritional treatment on the postoperative course in patients with gastric cancer
Karcz W, Głuszek S, Kot M, Matykiewicz J
Abstract, Full text


Anaplasma phagocytophilum in Ixodes ricinus ticks and human granulocytic anaplasmosis seroprevalence among forestry rangers in Biaystok region
Grzeszczuk A
Abstract, Full text


Body posture in women after mastectomy and its changes as a result of rehabilitation
Rostkowska E, Bąk M, Samborski W
Abstract, Full text


The comparison of effect of catechins and green tea extract on oxidative modification of LDL in vitro
Ostrowska J, Skrzydlewska E
Abstract, Full text


Changes in platelet CD 62P expression and soluble P-selectin concentration in surgically treated colorectal carcinoma
Dymicka-Piekarska V, Matowicka-Karna J, Osada J, Kemona H, Butkiewicz A
Abstract, Full text


Anemia treatment with darbepoetin alpha in pregnant female with chronic renal failure: report of two cases
Sobiło-Jarek L, Popowska-Drojecka J, Muszytowski M, Wanic-Kossowska M, Kobelski M, Czekalski S
Abstract, Full text


Thrombomodulin in human gestational tissues: placenta, fetal membranes and myometrium
Uszyński M, Sztenc S, Żekanowska E, Uszyński W
Abstract, Full text


Oxidative stress in burnt children
Jutkiewicz-Sypniewska J, Zembroń-Łacny A, Puchała J, Szyszka K, Gajewski P
Abstract, Full text


Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) in children and adolescents with regard to food intolerance
Semeniuk J, Kaczmarski M
Abstract, Full text


Gastroesophageal reflux in children and adolescents. Clinical aspects with special respect to food hypersensitivity
Semeniuk J, Kaczmarski M
Abstract, Full text


Optimal maintenance therapy in patients with non-erosive reflux disease reporting mild reflux symptoms – a pilot study
Cibor D, Ciećko-Michalska I, Owczarek D, Szczepanek M
Abstract, Full text


Elevated concentration of the chemokine CCL3 (MIP-1) in cerebrospinal fluid and serum of patients with tick borne encephalitis
Grygorczuk S, Zajkowska J, Świerzbiska R, Pancewicz S, Kondrusik M, Hermanowska-Szpakowicz T
Abstract, Full text


The emotional component of the attitude of the physician in situations of obstetric failure
Szymańska M, Knapp P
Abstract, Full text


Influence of a physical exertion on the workers’ health state
Bartosińska M, Ejsmont J
Abstract, Full text

Volume 51, 2006

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