::Table of contents::
Clinical state of the patients with periodontitis, IL-1 polymorphism and pathogens in periodontal pocket – is there a link? (An introductory report)
Kowalski J, Górska R, Dragan M, Kozak I
Abstract, Full text
Polymorphism in interleukin-1 gene and the risk of periodontitis in a Polish population
Droździk A, Kurzawski M, Safronow K, Banach J
Abstract, Full text
Comparative research concerning clinical efficiency of three surgical methods of periodontium recessions treatment in five-year observations
Dominiak M, Konopka T, Lompart H, Kubasiewicz P
Abstract, Full text
Autogenous bone and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in the treatment of intrabony defects
Czuryszkiewicz-Cyrana J, Banach J
Abstract, Full text
The concentration of anthranilic acid in saliva of orthodontic appliances
Tankiewicz A, Buczko P, Szarmach IJ, Kasacka I, Pawlak D
Abstract, Full text
Periodontitis as a risk factor of coronary heart diseases?
Zaremba M, Górska R, Suwalski P, Czerniuk MR, Kowalski J
Abstract, Full text
Evaluation of the product based on RecaldentTM technology in the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity
Kowalczyk A, Botuliński B, Jaworska M, Kierklo A, Pawińska M, Dąbrowska E
Abstract, Full text
Evaluation of bone loss at single-stage and two-stage implant abutments of fixed partial dentures
Koczorowski R, Surdacka A
Abstract, Full text
The saliva immunology mechanisms and periodontal status in HIV infected subjects
Klimiuk A, Waszkiel D, Choromańska M, Jankowska A, Żelazowska-Rutkowska B
Abstract, Full text
The evaluation of lysozyme concentration and peroxidase activity in non-stimulated saliva of patients infected with HIV
Klimiuk A, Waszkiel D, Jankowska A, Żelazowska-Rutkowska B, Choromańska M
Abstract, Full text
Preliminary evaluation of morphological parameters of the saliva in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment
Kasacka I, Szarmach IJ, Buczko P, Tankiewicz A, Pawlak D
Abstract, Full text
Preliminary evaluation of saliva composition in allergic patients subjected to orthodontic treatment; morphological examination
Kasacka I, Szarmach IJ, Buczko P, Tankiewicz A, Pawlak D
Abstract, Full text
The effect of temperature, acidification, and alkalization changes as well as ethanol on salivary cathepsin D activity
Karwowska A, Roszkowska-Jakimiec W, Dąbrowska E, Gacko M, Chlabicz M
Abstract, Full text
Local argyrosis of oral mucosa or amalgam tattoo. A problem in diagnosis and treatment
Jańczuk Z, Banach J
Abstract, Full text
Transient oral cavity and skin complications after mucositis preventing therapy (palifermin) in a patient after allogeneic PBSCT. Case history
Grzegorczyk-Jaźwińska A, Kozak I, Karakulska-Prystupiuk E, Rokicka M, Ganowicz E, Dwilewicz-Trojaczek J, Górska R
Abstract, Full text
Periodontal condition in patients with cardiovascular diseases
Gołębiewska M, Taraszkiewicz-Sulik K, Kuklińska A, Musiał WJ
Abstract, Full text
Short time effect of elmex® and Listerine® mouthrinses on plaque in 12-year-old children
Dolińska E, Stokowska W
Abstract, Full text
Occurrence rate of oral Candida albicans in denture wearer patients
Daniluk T, Tokajuk G, Stokowska W, Fiedoruk K, Ściepuk M, Zaremba ML, Rożkiewicz D, Cylwik-Rokicka D, Kędra BA, Anielska I, Górska M, Kędra BR
Abstract, Full text
Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in subgingival and supragingival plaques of adult patients with periodontal disease
Daniluk T, Tokajuk G, Cylwik-Rokicka D, Rożkiewicz D, Zaremba ML, Stokowska W
Abstract, Full text
Aerobic bacteria in the oral cavity of patients with removable dentures
Daniluk T, Fiedoruk K, Ściepuk M, Zaremba ML, Rożkiewicz D, Cylwik-Rokicka D, Tokajuk G, Kędra BA, Anielska I, Stokowska W, Górska M, Kędra BR
Abstract, Full text
Effect of sodium fluoride on the morphological picture of the rat liver exposed to NaF in drinking water
Dąbrowska E, Letko R, Balunowska M
Abstract, Full text
Effect of chlorhexidine mouthrinse on cathepsin C activity in human saliva
Dąbrowska E, Letko M, Roszkowska-Jakimiec W, Letko R, Sadowski J
Abstract, Full text
Assessment of dental status and oral hygiene in the study population of cystic fibrosis patients in the Podlasie province
Dąbrowska E, Błahuszewska K, Minarowska A, Kaczmarski M, Niedźwiecka-Andrzejewicz I, Stokowska W
Abstract, Full text
Assessment of dentition status and oral hygiene in first year dental students, Medical University of Białystok
Dąbrowska E, Letko R, Balunowska M
Abstract, Full text
Prosthetic status and needs of HIV positive subjects
Choromańska M, Waszkiel D
Abstract, Full text
Periodontal status and treatment needs in HIV-infected patients
Choromańska M, Waszkiel D
Abstract, Full text
Comparative analysis of the effect of preparations used in professional fluoride prophylaxis on the chosen parameters of human saliva
Balunowska M, Dąbrowska E, Letko M, Roszkowska-Jakimiec W, Letko R, Jamiołkowski J
Abstract, Full text
The evaluation of CPITN index among adults living in Podlasie region
Bagińska J, Wilczyńska-Borawska M, Stokowska W
Abstract, Full text
Students’ knowledge of oral hygiene vs its use in practice
Krawczyk D, Pels E, Prucia G, Kosek K, Hoehne D
Abstract, Full text
Evaluation of the results of periodontal treatment by means of digital subtraction of radiographic images
Kulczyk T
Abstract, Full text
The relationship between mineral status of the organism and the number of teeth present and periodontal condition in postmenopausal patients
Kulikowska-Bielaczyc E, Gołębiewska M, Preferansow E
Abstract, Full text
Evaluation of periodontal status in young patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1)
Łuczaj-Cepowicz E, Marczuk-Kolada G, Waszkiel D
Abstract, Full text
The effect of glass ionomer cement Fuji IX on the hard tissues of teeth treated by sparing methods (ART and CMCR)
Marczuk-Kolada G, Waszkiel D, Łuczaj-Cepowicz E, Kierklo A, Pawińska M, Mystkowska J
Abstract, Full text
Hygienic habits and the dental condition in 12-year-old children
Mielnik-Błaszczak M, Krawczyk D, Kuc D, Zawiślak M, Pels E
Abstract, Full text
Tobacco smoking problem in a group of 18-year-old high school students in the city of Gdańsk – finding causes and preventive methods
Nowicka-Sauer K, Łaska M, Sadlak-Nowicka J, Antkiewicz H, Bochniak M
Abstract, Full text
Bone structure regeneration after low induction magnetic field treatment in teeth chosen for extraction
Opalko K, Dojs A
Abstract, Full text
New technology in endodontics – the Resilon-Epiphany system for obturation of root canals
Pawińska M, Kierklo A, Marczuk-Kolada G
Abstract, Full text
Assessment of salivary levels of the chosen exoglycosidases in patients with aggressive periodontitis after treatment with doxycycline
Pietruska M, Bernaczyk A, Knaś M, Pietruski J, Zwierz K
Abstract, Full text
Efficacy of local treatment with chlorhexidine gluconate drugs on the clinical status of periodontium in chronic periodontitis patients
Pietruska M, Paniczko A, Waszkiel D, Pietruski J, Bernaczyk A
Abstract, Full text
Evaluation of mCD14 expression on monocytes and the blood level of sCD14 in patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis
Pietruska M, Żak J, Pietruski J, Wysocka J
Abstract, Full text
The assessment of periodontium in patients with uncontrolled diabetes
Preferansow E, Gołębiewska M, Kulikowska-Bielaczyc E, Górska M
Abstract, Full text
Multidisciplinary treatment of patients after a surgery due to cancers in the facial area: a clinical reports
Rolski D, Dolegacz A, Górska R, Mierzwińska-Nastalska E
Abstract, Full text
The choice of con Rolski D, Dolegacz A, Górska R, Mierzwińska-Nastalska E ditions for cathepsin D activity determination in human saliva
Roszkowska-Jakimiec W, Dąbrowska E, Gacko M, Karwowska A, Chlabicz M
Abstract, Full text
Bacterial composition in the supragingival plaques of children with and without dental caries
Rożkiewicz D, Daniluk T2, Zaremba ML, Cylwik-Rokicka D, Łuczaj-Cepowicz E, Milewska R, Marczuk-Kolada G, Stokowska W
Abstract, Full text
Oral Candida albicans carriage in healthy preschool and school children
Rożkiewicz D, Daniluk T, Zaremba ML, Cylwik-Rokicka D , Stokowska W, Pawińska M, Dąbrowska E, Marczuk-Kolada G, Waszkiel D
Abstract, Full text
Prevalence rate and antibiotic susceptibility of oral viridans group streptococci (VGS) in healthy children population
Rożkiewicz D, Daniluk T, Ściepuk M, Zaremba ML, Cylwik-Rokicka D, Łuczaj-Cepowicz E, Milewska R, Marczuk-Kolada G, Stokowska W
Abstract, Full text
The relationship between masticatory efficiency and the state of dentition at patients with non rehabilitated partial lost of teeth
Sierpińska T, Gołębiewska M, Długosz JW
Abstract, Full text
Assessment of the state of dentition and oral hygiene in 16-25-year-old young people with mild and moderate mental disability
Stachurski P, Warsz M, Rudnicka-Siwek K, Zioło A
Abstract, Full text
Assessment of periodontal status following the alignment of impacted permanent maxillary canine teeth
Szarmach IJ, Szarmach J, Waszkiel D, Paniczko A
Abstract, Full text
Complications in the course of surgical-orthodontic treatment of impacted maxillary canines
Szarmach IJ, Szarmach J, Waszkiel D
Abstract, Full text
Tryptophan and its metabolites in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma: preliminary study
Tankiewicz A, Dziemiańczyk D, Buczko P, Szarmach IJ, Grabowska SZ, Pawlak D
Abstract, Full text
The clinical assessment of mobile teeth stabilization with Fibre-Kor
Tokajuk G, Pawińska M, Stokowska W, Wilczko M, Kędra BA
Abstract, Full text
The clinical and radiological assessment of periodontal bone loss treatment using Emdogain
Tokajuk G, Pawińska M, Kędra BA
Abstract, Full text
Activity of lysosomal exoglycosidases in saliva of patients with HIV infection
Waszkiel D, Zalewska A, Knaś M, Choromańska M, Klimiuk A
Abstract, Full text
Incidence rate of Candida species in the oral cavity of middle-aged and elderly subjects
Zaremba ML, Daniluk T, Rożkiewicz D, Cylwik-Rokicka D, Kierklo A, Tokajuk G, Dąbrowska E, Pawińska M, Klimiuk A, Stokowska W, Abdelrazek S
Abstract, Full text
Microorganisms in root carious lesions in adults
Zaremba ML, Stokowska W, Klimiuk A, Daniluk T, Rożkiewicz D, Cylwik-Rokicka D, Waszkiel D, Tokajuk G, Kierklo A, Abdelrazek S
Abstract, Full text

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