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Advances in Medical Sciences            Advances in Medical Sciences

Supplement 2 - Vol. 50, 2005


::Table of contents::


Recording of biosignals from the human uterus, a basis for the development of new therapies in preterm labour and primary dysmenorrhoea
Akerlund M
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Prepared mind and the innovative process. A personal account of drug discovery
Batra S
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Building eHealth information society in Podlasie region – key strategic factors and struggle for infrastructure and standards
Bobrowski L
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Application of the Lempel-Ziv complexity measure to the analysis of biosignals and medical images
Borowska M, Oczeretko E, Mazurek A, Kitlas A, Kuc P
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New experimental techniques in genomics: challenges for data processing and analysis
Burzykowski T
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Evidence-based medicine: new wine in old bottles?
Doroszewski J
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Multimedia and virtual reality assistance in medical systems
Kacki E, Stempczynska J
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Medical informatics ethics and its subject
Trzesicki K
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Computer systems of histology image analysis in Belarus
Nedzved A, Belotserkovsky A, Ablameyko S
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Measurements of the working time of doctors, physiotherapists and the use of specialized equipment at the Rehabilitation Ward of Specialist Hospital in Zamosc
Sapula R, Wdowiak L, Mataczynski K, Sitko SJ
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Development of the method of the bulbar conjunctiva images estimation for investigation of microcirculation state in cardiovascular diseases
Anishchanka U, Konstantinova E, Lapitskii V, Levshinskii L, Trukhan V
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Computer-aided processing ultrasonic diagnostic images of the children lymph nodes at lymphomas and reactive hyperplasias
Begun IV, Kulaha VV, Anishchanka UV, Spiridonov SV
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Dipolar criterion in survival time prediction
Kretowska M
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Uncover the relations between the discretized continuous-valued features with multiple correspondence analysis in medical domain
Navasiolava NA, Tom IE, Krasko OV
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Development of the information analytical system for childhood oncohematology: project ISTC #B-522
Tom IE, Krasko OV, Potapnev MP, Uglova TA
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Nonlinear dynamics methods in the analysis of the heart rate variability
Kitlas A, Oczeretko E, Kowalewski M, Borowska M, Urban M
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The dialogue-based principles of a textbook projection in a higher school distance learning
Korol AD
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Importance of environmental risk factors for development of childhood pre-diabetes in Lithuania
Skrodeniene E, Marciulionyte D, Padaiga Z, Jasinskiene E, Sadauskaite-Kuehne V
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Subsystem of prognostic risk factors analysis of childhood acute leukemias
Tom IE, Krasko OV, Zalessky BA, Novoselova NA, Suchkova AP, Sotikova EE,
Skrygan NM, Potapnev MP, Uglova TA
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Different approaches to missing data in discrimination applied to medical problems
Awiklinska-Jurkowska M, Jurkowski P, Kukulska-Pawluczuk B, Koltan A, Drózdz W, Hilemann W
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Polish on-line resources for community nurses
Cisek M, Górkiewicz M, Brzostek T
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The web based archive of digital images of laryngeal and eye diseases
Uloza V, Paunksnis A, Marozas V, Jurkonis R, Severgardh P, Uloziene II
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First step for information technologies
implementation into eye injury prevention programme among children

Speckauskas M, Miseviciute V, Paunksnis A, Puodziuviene E
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Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) and other curves measuring discriminability of classifiers’ ensemble for asthma diagnosis
Jurkowski P, Awiklinska-Jurkowska M, Doniec Z, Szaflarska-Poplawska A
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Osteoporosis is dangerous but preventable: needed extensive health education and exercises
Ciszek E, Szczygiel A, Górkiewicz M, Bac A
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Making nurses familiar with data explanatory analysis and visualization
Kolacz J, Górkiewicz M
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Forgotten duties: universities should be anxious for students’ learning styles
Rosochacka W, Górkiewicz M
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Visual inspection of the osteoporosis
functional disability using rescaled standard anatomical pictures

Szczygiel A, Ciszek E, Górkiewicz M
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Creation of the software for the acute leukemia automatic differentiation
Belevtsev MV, Kulaga VV, Spiridonov SV, Savva NN, Aleinikova OV
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Volume 48, 2003

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