About the journal

Advances in Medical Sciences            Advances in Medical Sciences

Editorial Policy



As of 1st January 2014 Advances in Medical Sciences is published by Elsevier.


For all up-to-date information on Advances in Medical Sciences please visit: 



Advances in Medical Sciences is a peer-reviewed, international, scientific Journal, that publishes full-length articles on medical sciences. The journal welcomes submissions of articles on current advances in life sciences, preclinical and clinical medicine and related disciplines. Journal accepts original research articles and considers current review articles. Only review articles from experts in the field will be considered for publication.
Articles should be written in English (either British or American spelling). Authors whose native language is not English must have their manuscripts checked by a professional translator or a native speaker prior to submission. There is no limitation to the articles length, longer articles will be also considered.
The research articles should be organized according to the 'Guide for Authors'.
Appropriate references to all relevant academic publications should be incorporated, and the accuracy of references is entirely the author's responsibility. We accept the 'Vancouver style of references with numbers in the text' - a National Library of Medicine (NLM) Bibliographic Style http://www.nlm.nih.gov/citingmedicine. For further details please read Instructions for Authors.
All manuscripts submitted to Advances in Medical Sciences are considered confidential. The manuscript is examined for the conformity to the Instructions for Authors by the Editorial Office. Failure to meet the requirements results in return of the manuscript for correction before evaluation. A notification of receiving the manuscript is sent by e-mail to the corresponding author immediately after submission to the online editorial system.
To submit your manuscript or find out more about manuscript preparation please visit:
Articles submitted to the Advances in Medical Sciences will be reviewed by the Editors and external referees according to the highest academic standards. The review process is handled by 2-3 independent international experts in the field. The review process lasts approximately 10 weeks.
Invited referees, in confidence, evaluate the manuscript according to the following aspects:
1. Formal Aspects
2. Originality
3. Importance in its field
4. Theoretical background
5. Adequacy of methodology
6. Results and interpretation
7. Overall quality
All the above items can be evaluated as Excellent, Good, Fair or Poor.
The manuscript can be evaluated as:
  • acceptable in its present form
  • acceptable after minor revision
  • reconsidered after major revision
  • not acceptable for publication
When the review process is finished, a decision letter will be sent to the authors, including the comments of the referee(s). Any corrections suggested by the reviewers, should be made within the period of time indicated in the letter. If the paper is accepted after major revisions, it will be submitted again for peer review to the same evaluators. After a second review of the corrected manuscript, a final decision letter concerning publication is sent to the authors. After the final decision about accepting the manuscript for publication is made, the article will be available online at www.advms.pl and at ScienceDirect in the ‘Issue in Progress’ section. Accepted articles pass a language revision. A galley proof is provided to the corresponding author before the article is published. The checked galley proof should be returned as soon as possible.


The Journal is issued TWICE a year and available in printed or electronic version. Each article is published online in PDF format at ScienceDirect as soon as it is ready for publication. Public access to articles in the Advances in Medical Sciences is free of charge for all articles published before 2014. The Journal articles are indexed in Thomson Reuters Scientific (ISI) / Master Journal List and Science Citation Index Expanded, Index Medicus/Medline/PubMed, EBSCO, Scopus, EMBASE, EMCare, CAS, DOAJ, FSTA, PubMed Dietary Supplement Subset, Central Medical Library, Index Copernicus and Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.