About the journal

Advances in Medical Sciences            Advances in Medical Sciences

Volume 57 (No.1), 2012

Volume 57 (No.1), 2012


: : Table of contents : :



1. Pluripotent and multipotent stem cells in adult tissues.
Authors: Ratajczak MZ, Zuba-Surma E, Kucia M, Poniewierska A, Suszynska M, Ratajczak J

2. HBV mutations and their clinical significance.
Authors: Łapiński TW, Pogorzelska J, Flisiak R

3. Significance of the cell adhesion molecules and sialic acid in neurodegeneration.
Authors: Wielgat P, Braszko JJ

4. Estrogen, a female hormone involved in spermatogenesis.
Authors: Carreau S, Bouraima-Lelong H, Delalande C

5. A real time PCR based approach for the quantitative detection of FUS-CHOP fusion transcripts in human liposarcoma.
Authors: Patil N, Abba M, Hödl P, Schwarzbach M, Allgayer H

6. Regimens with intraperitoneal cisplatin plus intravenuous cyclophosphamide and intraperitoneal carboplatin plus intravenuous cyclophosphamide are equally effective in second line intraperitoneal chemotherapy for advanced ovarian cancer.
Authors: Milczek T, Klasa-Mazurkiewicz D, SznurkowskiJ, Emerich J

7. Effect of DHEA supplementation on serum IGF-1, osteocalcin, and bone mineral density in postmenopausal, glucocorticoid-treated women.
Authors: Papierska L, Rabijewski M,  Kasperlik-Załuska A, Zgliczyński W

8. 100 obese patients after laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding – the influence on BMI, gherlin and insulin concentration, parameters of lipid balance and co-morbidities.
Authors: Hady HR, Dadan J, Gołaszewski P

9. Inappropriate metformin prescribing in elderly type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients.
Authors: Kosmalski M, Drozdowska A, Sliwinska A, Drzewoski J

10. p16 gene mutations in Barrett’s esophagus in gastric metaplasia– intestinal metaplasia - dysplasia – adenocarcinoma sequence.
Authors: Mokrowiecka A, Wierzchniewska-Ławska A, Smolarz B, Romanowicz-Makowska H, Małecka-Panas E

11. Immunohistochemical assessment of apoptosis-associated proteins: p53, Bcl-xL, Bax and Bak in gastric cancer cells in correlation with clinical and pathomorphological factors.
Authors: Gryko M, Pryczynicz A, Guzińska-Ustymowicz K, Kamocki Z, Zaręba K, Kemona A, Kędra B

12. Factors associated with early catheter-related complications in peritoneal dialysis.
Authors: Hryszko T, Suchowierska E, Rydzewska-Rosolowska A, Brzosko S, Mysliwiec M

13. Vitamin D status and bone density in steroid-treated children with glomerulopathies: effect of cholecalciferol and calcium supplementation.
Authors: Zaniew M, Jarmoliński T

14. Interleukin 6 is not necessary for STAT3 phosphorylation and myocardial hypertrophy following short term beta-adrenergic stimulation.
Authors: Kaminski KA, Dziemidowicz M, Litvinovich S, Bonda T, Ptaszynska K, Kozuch M, Taranta A, Musial WJ, Winnicka MM

15. Decreased free sphingoid base concentration in the plasma of patients with chronic systolic heart failure.
Authors: Knapp M, Baranowski M, Lisowska A, Musiał W

16. The rs1801133 polymorphism of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene- the association with 5-year survival in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction.
Authors: Kozieradzka A, Pepinski W, Waszkiewicz E, Olszewska M, Maciorkowska D, Skawronska M, Niemcunowicz-Janica A, Dobrzycki S, Musial WJ, Kaminski KA

17. The importance of intima-media thickness (IMT) measurements in monitoring of atherosclerosis progress after myocardial infarction.
Authors: Lisowska A, Knapp M, Bolińska S, Lisowski P, Krajewska A, Sobkowicz B, Musiał WJ

18. Ciprofloxacin prophylaxis for patients undergoing high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) – a single-center experience.
Authors: Wolska A, Robak T, Szmigielska-Kaplon A, Pluta A, Kopka P, Wierzbowska A

19. The expression of TLR pathway molecules in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and their relationship with tumor invasion and cytokine secretion in laryngeal carcinoma.
Authors: Starska K, Forma E, Bryś M, Głowacka E, Lewy-Trenda I, Łukomski M, Krajewska WM

20. β-adrenoreceptor activation in brain, lung and adipose tissue, measured by microdialysis in pig.
Authors: Rostami E, Bondi M

21. The diagnostic value of cytokine and nitric oxide concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid for the differential diagnosis of meningitis.
Authors: Bociąga-Jasik M, Garlicki A, Cieśla A, Kalinowska-Nowak A, Sobczyk-Krupiarz I, Mach T

22. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of caspofungin and itraconazole inhibiting growth of Candida strains calculated from the linear regression equation.
Authors: Kurnatowska A, Kurnatowski P, Horwatt-Bożyczko E, Kurnatowska AJ

23. Metabolite alterations in autistic children: a 1H MR spectroscopy study.
Authors: Kubas B, Kułak W, Sobaniec W, Tarasow E, Łebkowska U, Walecki J

24. Comparison of reference points in different methods of temporomandibular joint imaging.
Authors: Gedrange T, Gredes T, Hietschold V, Kunert-Keil C, Spassov A, Laniado M

25. Dental caries and total antioxidant status of unstimulated mixed whole saliva in patients aged 16-23 years.
Authors: Krawczyk D, Sikorska-Jaroszyńska MHJ, Mielnik-Błaszczak M, Pasternak K, Kapeć E, Sztanke M

26. Unexpected cure from cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis in a patient treated with N-butyldeoxynojirimycin (miglustat) for Gaucher disease.
Authors: Machaczka M, Klimkowska M, Hägglund H