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Advances in Medical Sciences            Advances in Medical Sciences

Supplement 1 - Vol. 50, 2005


::Table of contents::


Pharmacokinetic interactions of carbamazepine with some antiepileptic drugs during epilepsy treatment in children and adolescents
Steinborn B
Abstract, Full text


Variations of enzymatic activity and biotypes of the yeast like fungi strains isolated from cancer patients
Lukaszuk C, Krajewska-Kulak E, Niczyporuk W, Theodosopoulou E, Antigoni Hatzopulu A, Krawczuk-Rybak M, Wojtukiewicz M
Abstract, Full text


Quantitative EEG analysis of REM sleep in children with Down syndrome
Omigielska-Kuzia J, Sobaniec W, Kułak W, Boakowski L, Sołowiej E
Abstract, Full text


The assessment of oxygen metabolism selected parameters of blood platelets exposed to low frequency magnetic radiation in cars – in vitro studies
Buczynski A, Pacholski K, Dziedziczak-Buczynska M, Henrykowska G, Jerominko A
Abstract, Full text


Indoor air studies of fungi contamination of social welfare home in Czerewki in north-east part of Poland
Rolka H, Krajewska-Kułak E, Lukaszuk C, Oksiejczuk E, Jakoniuk P, Leszczynska K, Niczyporuk W, Penar-Zadarko B
Abstract, Full text

In vitro antifungal activity of N-3-(1,2,4-dithiazole-5-thione)-resorcylcarbothioamide
Niewiadomy A, Krajewska-Kułak E, Lukaszuk C, Matysiak J, Kostecka M
Abstract, Full text


The importance of mycological investigations in diagnostics of nail changes
Maleszka R, Ratajczak-Stefanska V, Mikulska D
Abstract, Full text


The protein participation in daily diet and nutritional status of medical students in Kraków
Kolarzyk E, Ostachowska-Gąsior A, Skop A
Abstract, Full text


Challenges in care of adult CF patients – the specialist cystic fibrosis team
Gozdzik J, Majka-Sumner L, Cofta S, Nowicka A, Piorunek T, Batura-Gabryel H
Abstract, Full text


Hand dermatitis: a problem commonly affecting nurses
Szepietowski J, Salomon J
Abstract, Full text


Role of psychological factors in course of the rosacea
Sowinska-Gługiewicz I, Ratajczak-Stefanska V, Maleszka R
Abstract, Full text


Body weight gain as the major risk factor of cholelithiasis in women and an important risk factor in man
Ostrowska L, Czapska D, Karczewski JK
Abstract, Full text


The attitude of nurses for the enhancement of palliative care in Greece
Theodosopoulou E, Konstantinou E, Toulia G, Koutsopoulou V, Chadzopulu A, Krajewska-Kulak E, Wroska I, Tsokantaridis C, Kamba E
Abstract, Full text


Quality of life, depressive symptoms and anxiety in hyperthyroid patients
Suwalska A, Łącka K, Lojko D, Rybakowski JK
Abstract, Full text


Bilateral facial nerve palsy in the course of neuroborreliosis in children-dynamics, laboratory tests and treatment
Młodzikowska-Albrecht J, Żarowski M, Steinborn B, Winczewska-Wiktor A, Gurda B, Wigowska-Sowinska J
Abstract, Full text


Obeying patient’s rights on the basis of maternity ward
Leszczynska K, Dymczyk K, Wac K, Krajewska K
Abstract, Full text


Neurophysiologic studies of brain plasticity in children with cerebral palsy
Kułak W, Sobaniec W, Boakowski L, So3owiej E, Omigielska-Kuzia J, Artemowicz B, Sendrowski K
Abstract, Full text


Time of cooing appearance and further development of speech in children with cerebral palsy
Otapowicz D, Sobaniec W, Kułak W, Okurowska-Zawada B
Abstract, Full text


The influence of the dietary habit on lipoprotein density in blood serum of men from Podlasie region
Witana K, Nowak RJ, Szpak A, Genowska A
Abstract, Full text


The cortical evoked potentials in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
Boakowski L, Sobaniec W, Kułak W, Omigielska-Kuzia J
Abstract, Full text


Neuroprotection possibilities in epileptic children
Artemowicz B, Sobaniec W
Abstract, Full text


New antiepileptic drugs – an overview
Sendrowski K, Sobaniec W
Abstract, Full text


Youth’s knowledge and attitude to epilepsy
Zielinska A, Klos E, Talarska D
Abstract, Full text


Community nursing care of the elderly during transformation of the primary health care system
Doroszkiewicz H, Bien B
Abstract, Full text


The education of patients with rheumatoid arthritis – the knowledge and expectation of patients – the opinions of rheumatology nurses
Sierakowska M, Krajewska-Kułak E, Lewko J, Przeorska-Najgebauer T, Jankowiak B, Rolka H, Szyszko-Perłowska A
Abstract, Full text


Nutrition and environmental risk factors of deaths of men in the Podlasie Region
Syczewska K, Szpak A
Abstract, Full text


Preparation the family to care of the patient with Alzhaimer’s disease
Cisek M, Wilczek-Ruzyczka E, Gniadek A, Zdanowska A
Abstract, Full text


The role of the therapeutic team in shaping eating habits and lifestyle in children with dietary calcium deficiency
Górska A, Konstantynowicz J, Chlabicz S, Urban M, Kaczmarski M
Abstract, Full text


The role of a therapeutic team and The Pol–Ilko Association in readaptation of patients with a stoma to the life in a family and society in the 21st century
Snarska J, Lapuc K, Puchalski Z, Hend M
Abstract, Full text


Quality of life in healthy children and in children with tension headaches – a comparative analysis
Talarska D
Abstract, Full text


How patients with end-stage renal disease manage their condition
Wojtasiak E
Abstract, Full text


Quality of life after surgical treatment of thyroid gland diseases
Wojewoda B, Juzwiszyn J, Rosiczuk-Tonderys J
Abstract, Full text


Helicobacter pylori eradication as prevention against chronic peptic ulcer disease in children
Maciorkowska E, Kaczmarski M, Skowronska J, Cieola JM, Chrzanowska U, Olejnik B, Sacharewicz A, Ryszczuk E
Abstract, Full text


The integrated and interdisciplinary treatment of chronic lymphedema
Doo J, Górska-Doo M, Szuba A
Abstract, Full text


The importance of the health education in life quality improvement in patients with psoriasis
Jankowiak B, Krajewska-Kulak E, Baranowska A, Krajewska K, Rolka H, Sierakowska M, Ostapowicz Van-Damme K, Niczyporuk W, Lewko J
Abstract, Full text


Assessment of risk for pressure ulcers using the Norton scale in nursing practice
Lewko J, Demianiuk M, Krot E, Krajewska-Kulak E, Sierakowska M, Nyklewicz W, Jankowiak B
Abstract, Full text


Lung cancer in the elderly – increasing epidemiological problem of 21st century
Batura-Gabryel H, Foremska-Iciek J
Abstract, Full text


The evaluation of parodontium in medical students of The Medical University of Bia3ystok according to CPITN index
Wawrzyn-Sobczak K, Kozlowska M, Stokowska W, Karczewski JK
Abstract, Full text


Effect of fluoride preparations on the activity of human salivary cathepsin C
Dabrowska E, Letko M, Roszkowska-Jakimiec W, Letko R, Jamiokowski J
Abstract, Full text


Educational and nursing problems of parents of children with stoma
Olejnik B, Maciorkowska E, Lenkiewicz T, Sierakowska M
Abstract, Full text


Physical efficiency of 10-16 years old boys with hearing impairment
Wierzbicka-Damska I, Samolyk A, Jethon Z, Wiercinska J, Murawska-Cialowicz E
Abstract, Full text


The evaluation of the functioning and of the quality of life of patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Bączyk G
Abstract, Full text


Health behaviour-patterns among paediatric nurses, employed in medical institutions of Greater Poland
Zysnarska M, Maksymiuk T, Kalupa W
Abstract, Full text


Knowledge of risk factors and guidelines for the management of asthma. The educational role of the nurse
Dolinska C, Zietkowski Z, Bodzenta-Lukaszyk A
Abstract, Full text


Process of nursing as an active form nurse’s work with patient in therapeutic team – project of evidencing the process of looking after a sick person for students of nursing Faculty of Health Sciences, UMK Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz
Muszalik M, Kedziora-Kornatowska K
Abstract, Full text


Influence of Education at The Childbirth School on Breast Feeding
Awiek D, Czajka R, Grochans E
Abstract, Full text


An older person as a subject of comprehensive geriatric approach
Bien B
Abstract, Full text


The knowledge of bedsores prevention among Health and Nursing Department students of Medical University of Bialystok
Snarska K, Jarocka I, Sierantowicz R, Lagoda K, Jurkowska G
Abstract, Full text


The value of iontophoresis combined with ultrasound in patients with the carpal tunnel syndrome
Dakowicz A, Latosiewicz R
Abstract, Full text


The problem of pain evaluation in the process of nursing care in thoracosurgical patients and in general surgery
Ksiazek J, Gaworska-Krzeminska A, Walenska G, Skokowski J
Abstract, Full text


Surgical nurses and their concerns of acquiring HIV infection at the workplace
Milona M, Ganczak M, Szych Z
Abstract, Full text


Assessment of quality of life, pain and effectiveness of treatment in palliative care patients
Mess E, Kempinska E, Leppert W, Krzyzanowski D
Abstract, Full tex


A child with bronchial asthma – his functioning in a peer group
Krauss H, Polocka-Molinska M, Ignys I, Sosnowski P
Abstract, Full text


The evaluation of secondary school students’ knowledge about risk factors of cardiovascular disease
Bogdanska A, Maniecka-Bryla I, Szpak A
Abstract, Full text


Burnout, stress and styles of coping among hospital nurses
Jaracz K, Górna K, Konieczna J
Abstract, Full text


Dietary habits of men from Podlasie region of Poland in the years 1987-1998 analysed with self-organizing neural networks
Jamiolkowski J, Szpak A, Pawlowska D
Abstract, Full text


Objective and subjective quality of life in schizophrenic patients after a first hospitalization
Górna K, Jaracz K, Rybakowski F
Abstract, Full text


The prevalence and clinical significance of antiphospholipid antibodies in the patients with systemic sclerosis – preliminary report
Sulik A, Kowal-Bielecka O, Domyslawska I, Chwiecko J, Sierakowski S
Abstract, Full text


The importance of early diagnosis of systemic sclerosis
Sierakowski S, Gindzienska-Sieokiewicz E, Kowal-Bielecka O
Abstract, Full text


The oral cavity hygiene as the basic element of the gingival recession prophylaxis
Kozlowska M, Wawrzyn-Sobczak K, Karczewski JK, Stokowska W
Abstract, Full text


Factors influencing the maintenance of nicotine abstinence among the habitants of the region of ód and Kalisz in the years 1996-2003
Wioniewska M, Kowalska A, Szpak A
Abstract, Full text


The relation between antioxidative ability and the diet of young swimmers
Ostachowska-Gasior A, Kolarzyk E, Szot W, Lyszczarz J
Abstract, Full text


Overweight and obesity and their determinants among men from Podlasie region in the years 1987-1998
Szpak A, Jamiolkowski J, Witana K
Abstract, Full text


Common knowledge of leukemia among the youth and their attitude to the diagnosed disease
Polocka-Molinska M, Krauss H, Ignyo, Osmólska A
Abstract, Full text


Nurses’ attitudes towards transplantology
Orzel-Nowak A, Talaga S, Bulawska K
Abstract, Full text


Concentration and microheterogeneity of acute-phase glycoproteins in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Domyslawska I, Kita K, Sulik A, Lewandowski B, Chwieako J, Kowal-Bielecka O, Sierakowski S
Abstract, Full text


Information support concerning care of a baby provided for lying-in women during their stay in maternity ward in rooming-in system
Grochans E, Czajka R, Cwiek D
Abstract, Full text


Nutrition habits of patients operated because of coronary heart disease: income structure linkage
Walczak A, Pawelec M, Drozd-Dabrowska M, Pastucha E, Berezowska E
Abstract, Full text


Depression and anxiety in elderly patients as a challenge for geriatric therapeutic team
Porzych K, Kedziora-Kornatowska K, Porzych M, Polak A, Motyl J
Abstract, Full text


The knowledge of pedagogic students on suicidal behaviors in adolescents
Sacharewicz A, Maciorkowska E
Abstract, Full text


Prevalence of visual acuity anomalies among pupils in age 7 and 8 years in Westpomeranian Region (Poland)
Luczynska V, Walczak A, Wysiecki P2, Muszynska-Lachota I
Abstract, Full text


Changes of lysosomal enzymes activity in the skeletal muscle fibers exposed to endurance exercise
Bakonska-Pacon E, Jethon Z, Podhorska-Okolów M, Dziegiel P
Abstract, Full text


Level of nursing care vs life quality of patients in the terminal stage of a disease
Gaworska-Krzeminska A, Ksiazek J, Grabowska H, Zwierzynska H
Abstract, Full text


Endothelin receptor antagonism – new perspectives in the treatment of systemic sclerosis
Kowal-Bielecka O, Sierakowski S
Abstract, Full text


Kidney crisis in systemic sclerosis
Lewandowski B, Domyslawska I, Klimiuk PA, Sierakowski S
Abstract, Full text


The occurrence of pulmonary hypertension in patients with systemic sclerosis hospitalized in The Department of Rheumatology and Internal Diseases Medical University of Bialystok in years 2003-2004
Gindzienska-Sieskiewicz E, Kowal-Bielecka O, Kita J, Lisowska A, Domyslawska I, Musial W, Sierakowski S
Abstract, Full text

Volume 48, 2003

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