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Advances in Medical Sciences            Advances in Medical Sciences

Volume 49, 2004


::Table of contents::


Surgical challenges in the twenty-first century
Ihse I
Abstract, Full text


A comparative morphological study of direct nerve implantation and neuromuscular pedicle methods in cross reinnervation of the rat skeletal muscle
Bielecki M, Skowronski R, Skowronski J
Abstract, Full text


Vasopressin and oxytocin in normal reproduction and in the patophysiology of preterm labour and primary dysmenorrhoea.
Development of receptor antagonists
for therapeutic use in these conditions

Akerlund M
Abstract, Full text


Therapeutic approaches in inflammatory bowel disease based on the immunopathogenesis
Siegmund B, Zeitz M
Abstract, Full text


Inflammatory response, reactive oxygen species, programmed (necrotic-like and apoptotic) cell death and cancer
Johar D, Roth JC, Bay GH, Walker JN, Kroczak TJ, Los M
Abstract, Full text


Fibrogenesis in the pancreas
Ellenrieder V, Schneiderhan W, Bachem M, Adler G
Abstract, Full text


Surgical treatment of constipation
Błachut K, Bednarz W, Paradowski L
Abstract, Full text


Duodenum preserving pancreatic head resection in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis
Köninger J, Friess H, Müller M, Büchler MW
Abstract, Full text


Cardiac surgical treatment of the patients with renal insufficiency
Hirnle T, Lisowski P, Szapiel G, Pawlak S
Abstract, Full text


The non-invasive diagnosis of precancerous changes of stomach mucosa
Pasechnikov VD, Chukov SZ, Kotelevets SM, Mostovov AN, Polyakova MB, Mernova VP
Abstract, Full text


Is a bile reflux an additional cancerogenic factor in peptic ulcer, associated with Helicobacter pylori infection?
Vdovychenko A
Abstract, Full text


Gastric acid and salivary bicarbonate. Is there a relationship in duodenal ulcer patients?
Namiot Z, Stasiewicz J, Markowski AR, Namiot DB, Jaroszewicz W, Kemona A, Górski J
Abstract, Full text


Secretory function of the esophageal mucosa in opossum: the role of cholinergic, peptidergic and histaminergic pathways.
Namiot Z, Sarosiek J, McCallum RW
Abstract, Full text


The effect of endothelin-1, endothelin-2 and endothelin-3 in early cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis in rats
Długosz JW, Nowak K, Andrzejewska A, Wróblewski E, Dąbrowski A
Abtract, Full text


Relationship between gastroesophageal reflux disease and myocardial ischemia.
Influence of reflux on temporary activity of autonomic nervous system

Dobrzycki S, Skrodzka D, Musiał WJ, Go M, Korecki J, Gugała K, Kralisz P, Prokopczuk P, Bachórzewska-Gajewska H, Kaminski K
Abstract, Full text


Sleep-related breathing disorders in small children with nocturnal acid gastro-oesophageal reflux
Wasilewska J, Kaczmarski M
Abstract, Full text


Low serum leptin concentration in vegetarian prepubertal children
Ambroszkiewicz J, Laskowska-Klita T, Klemarczyk W
Abstract, Full text


Assessment of selected adhesion molecules and lymphocyte subpopulations in children with IgA nephropathy
Wiercinski R, Zoch-Zwierz W, Stasiak-Barmuta A, Wasilewska A,
Tomaszewska B, Winiecka W
Abstract, Full text


Diagnostic value of birch recombinant allergens (rBet v 1, profilin rBet v 2) in children with pollen-related food allergy
Cudowska B, Kaczmarski M
Abstract, Full text


The way to cardio-renal protection
in non-diabetic chronic nephropathies

Ruggenenti P, Remuzzi G
Abstract, Full text


Principles of family practitioners
and nephrologists collaboration

Steciwko A, Kurpas D
Abstract, Full text


Application of LDL-apheresis and immunoadsorption in kidney diseases
Sułowicz W, Stompór T
Abstract, Full text


The nephrologist’s role in the oncology
– haematology ward

Rydzewski A
Abstract, Full text


Lipid disturbances in chronic renal failure – patomechanisms and treatment
Rutkowski B, Chmielewski M
Abstract, Full text


Acute renal failure: the new perspectives
Nowicki M, Zwiech R, Szklarek M
Abstract, Full text


Endothelial dysfunction, atherosclerosis and thrombosis in uremia – possibilities of intervention
Myśliwiec M, Borawski J, Naumnik B, Rydzewska-Rosołowska A
Abstract, Full text



Antioxidants in the treatment of patients with renal failure
Luciak M
Abstract, Full text


Heart failure in the patients
with chronic kidney disease

Lisowska A, Musiał W
Abstract, Full text


What is new in therapy of glomerulonephritis in the 2003/2004
Hruby Z
Abstract, Full text


What is new in peritoneal dialysis
in the years 2003-2004

Grzegorzewska AE
Abstract, Full text


Role of endothelial progenitor cells
in cardiovascular pathology
Gross P, Herbrig K
Abstract, Full text


Continuous modalities of renal replacement therapy. Review of selected aspects
Grenda R
Abstract, Full tex


Trinary tract infection – 2003
Duława J
Abstract, Full text


Renal affection in patients with diabetes mellitus is not always caused by diabetic nephropathy
Żukowska-Szczechowska E, Tomaszewski M
Abstract, Full text


Ratio of cyclase activating and cyclase inactive parathormone (CAP/CIP) in dialysis patients: correlations with other markers of bone disease
Grzegorzewska AE, Młot M
Abstract, Full text


Serum osteoprotegrin level is lower in peritoneal dialysis patients than in hemodialysis ones
Grzegorzewska AE, Młot M
Abstract, Full text


Protein Z and vitamin K in kidney disease
Małyszko JS, Małyszko J, Skrzydlewska E, Pawlak K, Myśliwiec M
Abstract, Full text


The expression of two alternative transcription forms of platelet-derived growth factor-A chain in the normal human kidney and in lomerulonephritis
Miller-Kasprzak E, Olejniczak P, Kubiak A, Polcyn-Adamczak M, Niemir ZI
Abstract, Full text


Soluble adhesion molecules in children and young adults with chronic renal failure treated conservatively
Musiał K, Zwolinska D, Berny U, Polak-Jonkisz D, Szprynger K, Szczepanska M
Abstract, Full text


Can von Willebrand factor, platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 and thrombomodulin be used as alternative markers of endothelial cell injury in human lomerulonephritis?
Niemir ZI, Kubiak A, Olejniczak P, Nowak A, Czekalski S
Abstract, Full text


Kidney function estimated with the different formulas in centenarians
Wieczorowska-Tobis K, Niemir ZI, Guzik P, Mossakowska M
Abstract, Full text


Prooxidant-antioxidant balance in blood during the surgical treatment of obliterating arterial atherosclerosis in the lower extremities
Ioskevich NN, Zinchuk VV
Abstract, Full text


Molecular mechanisms of brain plasticity: neurophysiologic and neuroimaging studies in the developing patients
Kułak W, Sobaniec W
Abstract, Full text


Collagen type I and III metabolism in assessment of mandible fractures healing
Borys J, Grabowska SZ, Antonowicz B, Dryl D, Citko A, Rogowski F
Abstract, Full text


Serum levels of interleukin-18 (IL-18) and soluble interleukin-2 Receptor (sIL-2R) in lung cancer
Naumnik W, Chyczewska E, Kovalchuk O, Tałałaj J, Izycki T, Panek B
Abstract, Full text


The spontaneous and stimulated nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) tests in mononuclear cells of patients with tuberculosis
Dubaniewicz A, Dubaniewicz A, Hoppe A
Abstract, Full text


Laminin, Her2/neu and Ki-67 as prognostic factors in non-small cell lung cancer
Szelachowska J, Jelen M
Abstract, Full text


Loss of heterozygosity in laryngeal cancer
Rogowski M, Walenczak I, Pepinski W,
Skawronska M, Sieśkiewicz A, Klatka J
Abstract, Full text


Effects of antidepressant mirtazapine
on fibromyalgia symptoms

Bamborski W, Lezanska-Szpera M, Rybakowski JK
Abstract, Full text


Is a hypothermic effect of LY 300164,
valproate and phenobarbital evident in mice?

Świąder MJ, Luszczki JJ, Zwolan A, Wierzchowska-Cioch E,
Wielosz M, Czuczwar S
Abstract, Full text


Serum hyaluronic acid during lamivudine treatment in chronic hepatitis B
Grzeszczuk A, Prokopowicz D
Abstract, Full text


Falls amongst older people
living in the community

Wojszel ZB, Bien B
Abstract, Full text


Vascularization of the penis of a man
Okolokulak E, Volchkevich D
Abstract, Full text

Volume 48, 2003

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