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Advances in Medical Sciences            Advances in Medical Sciences

Supplement - Vol. 49, 2004


::Table of contents::


Intensity of apoptosis as related to the expression of metallothionein (MT), caspase-3 (cas-3) and Ki-67 antigen and the survival time of patients with primary
colorectal adenocarcinomas

Dziegiel P, Dumanska M, Forgacz J, Wojna A, Zabel M
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The role of AT1 and AT2 angiotensin receptors in the mechanism of apoptosis in renal tubular cells after physical exercise
Podhorska-Okolów M, Dziegiel P, Gomulkiewicz A, Dolinska-Krajewska B, Murawska-Cialowicz E, Jethon Z, Zabel M
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Influence of cycloheximide on apoptosis in CHO cells, induced by ethane 1, 2-dimethanesulphonate (EDS)
Polak U, Jankowska A, Warchol JB
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The role of Bak expression in apoptosis of the oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and metastases to lymph nodes (LNMs)
Baltaziak M, Koda M, Barwijuk-Machała M, Musiatowicz B, Duraj E, Kanczuga-Koda L, Musiatowicz M, Reszec J
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Apoptosis phenomenon in the selected neoplasms of the glial origin
Szkudlarek M, Lebelt A, Klim B, Pawlak J, Lemancewicz D, Boguslowicz W, Sulima D, Zimnoch L, Dzieciol J
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Bcl-xl and Bak protein expression in human optic nerve axons in eyeballs post- trauma and in the eyes with absolute glaucoma
Reszec J, Zalewska R, Mariak Z, Sulkowski S
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Bcl-2 and Bax protein expression in human optic nerve axons in the eyeballs after severe trauma and in the eyes with absolute glaucoma
Zalewska R, Reszec J, Mariak Z, Sulkowski S, Proniewska-Skretek E
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Osteochondral defects of the talus treated by mesenchymal stem cell implantation - early results
Jancewicz P, Dzienis W, Pietruczuk M, Skowronski J, Bielecki M
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Comparison of cartilage self repairs and repairs with costal and articular chondrocyte transplantation in treatment of cartilage defects in rats
Szeparowicz P, Popko J, Sawicki B, Wolczynski S, Biera M
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Intercellular junctions between odontoblasts as the transmitters of low charge electric current
Alwas-Danowska HM
Abstract, Full text


Assessment expression of the adhesion molecules, CD134 and CD137, in patients with colorectal cancer by flow cytometry
Cepowicz D, Stasiak-Barmuta A, Zalewski B, Piotrowski Z
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Glycoprotein CD44 variant 4 expression in tumour epithelial cells of patients with colorectal cancer
Zalewski B, Stasiak-Barmuta A, Sulkowski S, Piotrowski Z, Mysliwiec P, Kuklinski A
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C-erb-B2 and Bcl-xl protein expression in Barrett´s oesophagus in correlation with morphological parameters
Barwijuk-Machala M, Reszec J, Kemona A, Sobaniec-Lotowska M
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Role of metallothionein expression
in non-small cell lung carcinomas

Dziegiel P, Jelen M, Muszczynska B, Maciejczyk A, Szulc A, Podhorska-Okolów M, Cegielski M, Zabel M
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Association of collagen Type I alfa 1 gene polymorphism with bone density in survivors of childhood cancer - preliminary report
Muszynska-Roslan K, Galicka A, Sawicka M, Krawczuk-Rybak M, Wolczynski S
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Study on carcinogenesis in chronic cholecystitis
Zimnoch L, Szynaka B, Kupisz A
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Clinical usefulness of K-RAS mutation detection in colorectal cancer and in surgical margins of the colon
Okulczyk B, Kovalchuk O, Piotrowski Z, Mysliwiec P, Chyczewski L
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Proliferating activity in the epithelial and stromal component of fibroadenomas and phyllodes tumours of the breast
Barwijuk-Machala M, Reszec J, Baltaziak M, Musiatowicz B, Cylwik J
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Insulin-like growth factor-I receptor in human oral cancer
Reszec J, Duraj E, Koda M, Musiatowicz B, Sulkowska M
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Immunohistochemical evaluation of mast cells and mark activity tryptase and chymase in experimental fibrosarcoma
Kasacka I, Sawicki B, Roszkowska-Jakimiec W
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Evaluation of proliferating markers Ki-67, PCNA in gastric cancers
Czyzewska J, Guzinska-Ustymowicz K, Lebelt A, Zalewski B, Kemona A
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Evaluation of protein products of cell
cycle regulating genes in gastric cancer

Guzinska-Ustymowicz K, Gryko M, Czyzewska J3, Kemona A
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Effects of changes at the site of E-cadherin expression as an indicator of colon cancer aggressiveness
Guzinska-Ustymowicz K, Chetnik A, Kemona A
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Macrophage/histiocytic antigen CD68 expression in neoplastic and reactive lymph nodes
Mazur G, Halon A, Wróbel T, Kuliczkowski K
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Survivin expression in lymph nodes, affected by lymphoma and reactive hyperplasia
Mazur G, Halon A, Wróbel T, Urbaniak J, Kuliczkowski K, Wozniak M
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Expression of PCNA and Ki-67 in posterior uveal melanomas in adults
Proniewska-Skretek E, Dzieciol J, Zalewska R, Mariak Z
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Levels of lipid peroxidation in A549 cells after PDT in vitro
Saczko J, Kulbacka J, Chwilkowska A, Lugowski M, Banas T
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Plasma VEGF-A and its soluble receptor R1 correlate with the clinical stage of colorectal cancer
Mysliwiec P, Piotrowski Z, Zalewski B, Kuklinski A, Pawlak K
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Serum levels of Osteoprotegerin (OPG)
and Pro Gastrin Releasing Peptide (ProGRP)
during chemotherapy of lung cancer

Naumnik W, Chyczewska E, Izycki T, Ossolinska M
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Molecule CD44 variant 10 expression in lymphocytes infiltrating tumour tissues and epithelial cells in patients with colorectal cancer
Zalewski B, Stasiak-Barmuta A, Guzinska-Ustymowicz K, Cepowicz D, Gryko M
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Antisense strategy in malignant brain tumours treatment
Trojan LA, Pan Y, Szpechcinski A, Ly A, Kopinski P, Chyczewski L, Kasprzak H, Donald A, Trojan J
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Presence of MHC-I in rat glioma cells expressing antisense IGF-I-Receptor RNA
Szpechcinski A, Trzos R, Jarocki P, Trojan LA, Oficjalska K, Junkiert A, Wei MX, Mazurek M, Czapiewska JL, Niklinski J, Kopinski P, Chyczewski L, Kasacka I,
Trojan J
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Presences of human papillomavirus DNA (HPV) and immunohistochemical p53 overexpression in papillomas of oral cavity
Barzal-Nowosielska M, Miasko A, Chyczewski L
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Diagnostic evaluation of oxidoreductive capability of sperm mitochondria
Piasecka M, Gaczarzewicz D, Kurzawa R, Laszczynska M, Kram A
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Aging process of epithelial cells of the rat prostate lateral lobe in experimental hyperprolactinemia induced by haloperidol
Wylot M, Laszczynska M, Sluczanowska-Glabowska S, Piasecka M
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Adrenergic innervation and steroidogenic activity of cystic porcine ovaries
Dzienis A, Majewski M, Wojtkiewicz J, Piskula M, Jana B
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Morphology of the testis and the epididymis in rats with dihydrotestosterone (DHT) deficiency
Kolasa A, Marchlewicz M, Wenda-Rózewicka L, Wiszniewska B
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Influence of naringenin on the activity of enzymes participating in steroidogenesis in male rats
Papiez M A
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Effect of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) doses
and oestrogen/progesterone on protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) accumulation in human endometrial epithelial cells

Butowska W, Warchol W, Nowak-Markwitz E, Wolun-Cholewa M
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Male gonadal function before and after chemotherapy in prepubertal boys
Krawczuk-Rybak M, Solarz E, Wolczynski S
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Experimental osteoporosis- different methods of ovariectomy in female white rats
Lasota A, Danowska-Klonowska D
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Activity of thyroid parafollicular (C) cells in rats with hyperthyroidism - preliminary ultrastructural investigations
Dadan J, Zbucki R, Andrzejewska A, Winnicka MM, Puchalski Z
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Activity of thyroid parafollicular (C) cells in rats with hyperthyroidism - immunohistochemical investigations
Dadan J, Zbucki RL, Sawicki B, Winnicka MM , Puchalski Z
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Expression of Ki-67, PCNA and MPM2 antigens in follicular cells of the thyroid gland after iodotherapy
Klim B, Dzieciol J, Litwiejko-Pietrynczak M, Szkudlarek M, Pawlak J, Oniszczuk S,
Tobiaszewska D
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Morphometrical analysis of immunohistochemical reaction of inflammatory infiltrate in chronic thyroiditis
Nieruchalska E, Kaczmarek E, Jarmolowska-Jurczyszyn D, Majewski P
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Influence of cannabinoids on immunoreactivity of regulatory peptides, produced in rat thyroid C cells;
preliminary investigations

Sawicki B, Zbucki RL, Hryniewicz A, Kosiorek P, Bialuk I, Winnicka MM, Dadan J
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Estimation of influence of high doses
of cholecalciferol on thyroid parafollicular and respiratory tract neuroendocrine cells; preliminary investigationso

Sawicki B, Zbucki RL, Winnicka MM, Kasacka I, Nowosielski C, Hukalowicz K
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Pulmonary neuroendocrine cells in chronic renal failure
Kasacka I, Sawicki B, Ostrowska H
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Histological evaluation of the thyroid structure after co-exposure to cadmium and ethanol
Pilat-Marcinkiewicz B, Brzóska MM, Kasacka I, Sawicki B
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Techniques of image analysis for quantitative immunohistochemistry
Kaczmarek E, Górna A, Majewski P
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Histomorphometry of marrow megakaryocytes in experimental uraemia in rats
Boguslowicz W, Lemancewicz D, Pawlak D, Dziecio3 J
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Assessment of potassium and sodium ion concentrations in the vitreous humour of swine isolated eyeballs after organism death
Brzezinski PM, Godlewski A
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Histological structure of bovine coronary arteries at varying distance from their
origins from the aorta (a preliminary study)

Bylina D, Wegrzyn M, Rowinski J
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Modulatory effect of quercetin on DNA damage, induced by etoposide in bone marrow cells and on changes in the
activity of antioxidant enzymes in rats

Cierniak A, Papiez M, Kapiszewska M
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Influence of doxycycline on the epiphyseal plate cartilage of the rats in experimental osteoarthrosis, induced by iodoacetate
Cylwik J, Kita K, Barwijuk-Machala M, Reszea J, Klimiuk P, Sierakowski S, Sulkowski S, Cylwik M
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Expression of PCNA and Ki-67 in the rat submandibular gland after one year cadmium intoxication- a preliminary study
Czykier E, Dzieciol J
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A preliminary study of the submandibular gland of the rat after one-year cadmium intoxication. Part II. Pathomorphology
and ultrastructure

Czykier E, Szynaka B, Dzieciol J
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A preliminary study of the submandibular gland of the rat after one-year cadmium intoxication. Part I. Cadmium concentration
Czykier E, Dzieciol J, Galazyn-Sidorczuk M, Moniuszko-Jakoniuk J
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Ultrastructural study of the mitochondria in the submandibular gland, the pancreas and the liver of young rats, exposed to NaF in drinking water
D±browska E, Balunowska M, Letko R, Szynaka B
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From immunohistochemistry to pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis: Cross reactivity of self anti-immunoglobulin
antibodies with collagen(s) may contribute to mechanisms of connective tissue damage (a hypothesis)

Rowinski Jan
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Chemical compound content and enzyme activity in supernatant and sediment of liver homogenate
Gacko M, Kowalewski R, Guzowski A, Worowska A, Lapinski R
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Assessment of connective tissue fibres in walls of allogenic arterial grafts preserved by the method of cold ischemia - a preliminary report
Gacko M, Lapinski R, P3onski A, Kowalewski R, Guzowski A, Andrzejewska A, Ostapowicz R
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Some components of oxidative-antioxidative system in human blood plasma and serum
Gacko M, Radziwon P, Kowalewski R, Worowska A, Guzowski A
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Usefulness of some primary anti-human antibodies in immunohistochemistry in guinea pig
Gendek-Kubiak H, Gendek EG
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Expression of tissue transglutaminase in blood and lymphatic vessel endothelia and in mesothelium
Gendek-Kubiak H, Gendek EG
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Quantitative evaluation of immuno- and histochemical reaction intensity by spatial visualization techniques
Górna A, Kaczmarek E, Nieruchalska E, Jarmolowska-Jurczyszyn D, Majewski P
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Haemoglobin of varicose vein, varicose vein
with thrombophlebitis and in parietal thrombu of varicose vein

Guzowski A, Gacko M, Worowska A, Kowalewski R, Lapinski R, Ostapowicz R, Plonski A
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Morphological evaluation of the lungs in rats
with experimentally induced renal failure

Kasacka I, Pilat-Marcinkiewicz B, Pankiewicz W, Sulewska A
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Intracellular expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1alfa, TNF-alfa, and IL-6) in chronic hepatitis C
Kasprzak A, Seidel J, Spachacz R, Biczysko W, Malkowska A, Kaczmarek E, Zabel M
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Bone marrow megakaryocytes in human ontogenesis
Litwiejko-Pietrynczak E, Szkudlarek M, Klim B, Pietrewicz TM
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mRNA for chosen pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in T-lymphocytes in paediatric leukemias and lymphomas - a preliminary report
L uczynski W, Kovalchuk O, Krawczuk-Rybak M, Malinowska I, Mitura-Lesiuk M,
Matysiak M, Kowalczyk J, Chyczewski L
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Cytotoxic lymphocytes (CD8+) in the antrum mucosa in children with chronic Helicobacter pylori - related
inflammation before and after bacteria eradication

Maciorkowska E, Kasacka I, Kondej-Muszynska K, Kaczmarski M, Kemona A
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Helicobacter pylori infection and mast cells
of the antrum mucosa

Maciorkowska E, Kasacka I, Kondej-Muszynska K, Kaczmarski M, Kemona A
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B (CD20+) lymphocytes in the antrum mucosa of children with Helicobacter pylori infection
Maciorkowska E, Kasacka I, Kondej-Muszynska K, Kaczmarski M, Kemona A
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Memory cells in the antral mucosa of children with Helicobacter pylori infection
Maciorkowska E, Kondej-Muszynska K, Kasacka I, Kaczmarski M, Kemona A
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Macrophages of the antral mucosa in children with Helicobacter pylori infection and after eradication
Maciorkowska E, Kondej-Muszynska K, Kasacka I, Kaczmarski M, Kemona A
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The activity and location of cathepsin D inhibitor in seeds of common vetch
(Vicia sativa L.)

Roszkowska-Jakimiec W, Lesniewska J
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Effects of cathepsin D inhibitor from Vicia sativa L. seed hulls on human skin fibroblasts and breast cancer cells
(in vitro studies)

Roszkowska-Jakimiec W, Wolczynski S, Chlabicz M
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S-100 protein as marker of the blood-brain
barrier disruption in children with internal hydrocephalus and epilepsy - a preliminary study

Sendrowski K, Sobaniec W, Sobaniec-Lotowska ME, Lewczuk P
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Attempts to detect Helicobacter pylori
in atherosclerotic plaques

Sulewska A, Modrzejewski W, Kovalchuk O, Kasacka I, Jackowski R, Hirnle T, Musial W, Chyczewski L
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Proliferative activity of chosen central nervous system (CNS) neoplasms
Lebelt A, Szkudlarek M, Guzinska-Ustymowicz K, Lemancewicz D, Zimnoch L, Dzieciol J
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Influence of thalidomide on megakaryocytes in multiple myeloma
Lemancewicz D, Dzieciol J, Piszcz J, Kloczko J, Lebelt A, Szkudlarek M
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Effects of endothelin-1 or of its receptor A a selective antagonist, on histological and ultrastructural patterns in experimental acute pancreatitis in rats
Andrzejewska A, Dlugosz JW
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Amidolytic activity of plasma euglobulins
Jasielczuk J, Dabrowska M, Gacko M, Jankiewicz M
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Changes in proteasome activity in the ischemic kidney of rat with experimental renovascular hypertension
Kruszewski K, Kalinowska J, Chabielska E, Kasacka I, Ostrowska H
Full text

Volume 49, 2004

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