About the journal

Advances in Medical Sciences            Advances in Medical Sciences

Volume 62 (No.1), 2017


 Volume 62 (No.1), March 2017


  : : Table of contents : :

Pages 1–206


Editorial Board

Page i


Review Articles

1. Cells of the innate and adaptive immunity and their interactions in inflammatory bowel disease.
Pages 1–16
Authors: Zbigniew Kmieć, Marta Cyman, Tomasz Jerzy Ślebioda

2. New insights into the pathogenesis and treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.
Pages 17–30
Authors: Joanna Oświęcimska, Agnieszka Szymlak, Wojciech Roczniak, Katarzyna Girczys-Połedniok, Jarosław Kwiecień

3. Amyloidosis: A cancer-derived paraproteinemia and kidney involvement.
Pages 31–38
Authors: Jolanta Małyszko, Klaudia Kozłowska, Jacek Stanisław Małyszko

4. Does the OPG/RANKL system contribute to the bone-vascular axis in chronic kidney disease? A systematic review.
Pages 52–64
Authors: Beata Znorko, Ewa Oksztulska-Kolanek, Małgorzata Michałowska, Tomasz Kamiński, Krystyna Pawlak


Original Research Articles

5. The strengths and weaknesses of non-invasive parameters obtained by echocardiography and cardiopulmonary exercise testing in comparison with the hemodynamic assessment by the right heart catheterization in patients with pulmonary hypertension.
Pages 39–44
Authors: Katarzyna Ptaszyńska-Kopczyńska, Anna Krentowska, Emilia Sawicka, Anna Skoneczny, Małgorzata Jasiewicz, Małgorzata Knapp, Włodzimierz J. Musiał, Bożena Sobkowicz, Karol A. Kamiński

6. A comparative study of nuclear 8-hydroxyguanosine expression in Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases and Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma and its relationship with p53, Bcl-2 and Ki-67 cancer related proteins.
Pages 45–51
Authors: Malek Mseddi, Riadh Ben Mansour, Naourez Gouiia, Fatma Mnif, Rabï Bousselaa, Mohamed Abid, Tahia Boudaouara, Hamadi Attia, Saloua Lassoued

7. Myriocin treatment affects lipid metabolism in skeletal muscles of rats with streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetes.
Pages 65–73
Authors: Krzysztof Kurek, Marta Garbowska, Dominika M. Ziembicka, Bartłomiej Łukaszuk, Jakub Rogowski, Adrian Chabowski, Jan Górski, Małgorzata Żendzian-Piotrowska

8. NT-proCNP as a new indicator of asthenozoospermia.
Pages 74–77
Authors: Ryszard Tomasiuk, Ricardo Faundez, Marek Cacko, Małgorzata Mikaszewska-Sokolewicz, Andrzej Cacko, Michał Rabijewski

9. Immunohistochemical features of multifocal and multicentric lobular breast carcinoma.
Pages 78–82
Authors: Ivan R. Ilić, Aleksandar Petrović, Vesna V. Živković, Pavle J. Randjelović, Nikola M. Stojanović, Niko S. Radulović, Dušica Randjelović, Ratko S. Ilić

10. Overexpression of ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCHL1) in serum of children after thermal injury.
Pages 83–86
Authors: Ewa Matuszczak, Marzena Tylicka, Wojciech Dębek, Anna Sankiewicz, Ewa Gorodkiewicz, Adam Hermanowicz

11. Tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) in diabetic foot syndrome.
Pages 87–91
Authors: Arleta Kulwas, Beata Lisewska, Wiesław Jundziłł, Barbara Ruszkowska, Wanda Drewniak, Zofia Ruprecht, Grażyna Gadomska, Danuta Rość

12. Measuring of quality of life in autoimmune blistering disorders in Poland. Validation of disease – specific Autoimmune Bullous Disease Quality of Life (ABQOL) and the Treatment Autoimmune Bullous Disease Quality of Life (TABQOL) questionnaires.
Pages 92–96
Authors: Agnieszka Kalinska-Bienias, Beata Jakubowska, Cezary Kowalewski, Dedee F. Murrell, Katarzyna Wozniak

13. Down-regulation of anti-apoptotic genes in tumor cell lines is facilitated by suppression of OCT4B1.
Pages 97–102
Authors: Mohammad Reza Mirzaei, Mehdi Mahmoodi, Gholamhossein Hassanshahi, Zahra Ahmadi

14. Gastroesophageal reflux is not associated with short-term variability of parasympathetic activity in children.
Pages 103–109
Authors: Jan Krzysztof Nowak, Agata Łaźniak, Aleksandra Lisowska, Zdzisława Kycler, Waldemar Bobkowski, Jarosław Walkowiak

15. Single center experience of subclinical rejections and BK nephropathies by kidney allografts’ surveillance biopsies.
Pages 110–115
Authors: Beata Naumnik, Jolanta Kowalewska, Tomasz Hryszko, Jerzy Glowiński, Magdalena Durlik, Michal C. Myśliwiec

16. Profiling of selected angiogenesis-related genes in serous ovarian cancer patients.
Pages 116–120
Authors: Paweł Kuć, Radosław Charkiewicz, Dagmara Klasa-Mazurkiewicz, Tomasz Milczek, Barbara Mroczko, Jacek Nikliński, Piotr Laudański

17. Classical rather than genetic risk factors account for high cardiovascular disease prevalence in Lithuania: A cross-sectional population study.
Pages 121–128
Authors: Neringa Burokienė, Ingrida Domarkienė, Laima Ambrozaitytė, Ingrida Uktverytė, Raimonda Meškienė, Dovilė Karčiauskaitė, Vytautas Kasiulevičius, Virginijus Šapoka, Vaidutis Kučinskas, Zita Aušrelė Kučinskienė

18. Orthodontic treatment modifies the oxidant–antioxidant balance in saliva of clinically healthy subjects.
Pages 129–135
Authors: Piotr Buczko, Małgorzata Knaś, Monika Grycz, Izabela Szarmach, Anna Zalewska

19. Can the sensitivity of the histopathological diagnosis of coeliac disease be increased and can treatment progression be monitored using mathematical modelling of histological sections? – A pilot study.
Pages 136–142
Authors: Richard P.G. Charlesworth, Nicholas M. Andronicos, David R. Scott, James R. McFarlane, Linda L. Agnew

20. Reference ranges and impact of selected confounders on classic serum and urinary renal markers in neonatal period.
Pages 143–150
Authors: Monika Miklaszewska, Przemysław Korohoda, Przemko Kwinta, Katarzyna Zachwieja, Tomasz Tomasik, Katarzyna Kiliś-Pstrusińska, Dorota Drożdż

21. Brain morphometric analysis predicts decline of intelligence quotient in children with sickle cell disease: A preliminary study.
Pages 151–157
Authors: Rong Chen, Jaroslaw Krejza, Michal Arkuszewski, Robert A. Zimmerman, Edward H. Herskovits, Elias R. Melhem

22. Analysis of antiproliferative effect of Chamerion angustifolium water extract and its fractions on several breast cancer cell lines.
Pages 158–164
Authors: Audrius Maruška, Rasa Ugenskienė, Danguolė Raulinaitytė, Elona Juozaitytė, Vilma Kaškonienė, Tomas Drevinskas, Ada Stelmakienė, Ieva Akuneca, Tomas Makaravičius, Nicola Tiso, Violeta Bartkuvienė, Olga Kornyšova, Ona Ragažinskienė, Kristina Ramanauskienė, Vitalis Briedis

23. Nicotine can modulate the effects of the mesenchymal stem cells on neutrophils.
Pages 165–170
Authors: Samira Pourtayeb, Seyyed Meysam Abtahi Froushani

24. The fecal occult blood test as a tool for improved outpatient qualification for colonoscopy. A single-center experience and 10-year follow-up survey.
Pages 171–176
Authors: Zbigniew Banaszkiewicz, Jacek Budzyński, Krzysztof Tojek, Paweł Jarmocik, Jacek Frasz, Marcin Mrozowski, Maciej Świtoński, Arkadiusz Jawień

25. Variations of renal tissue oxygenation during abdominal compartment syndrome and sepsis.
Pages 177–185
Authors: Stavros Kalfadis, Vaia Nalbanti, Orestis Ioannidis, George Porfiriou, Dimitrios Botsios, Konstantinos Tsalis

26. Protection against cerebral infarction by Withaferin A involves inhibition of neuronal apoptosis, activation of PI3K/Akt signaling pathway, and reduced intimal hyperplasia via inhibition of VSMC migration and matrix metalloproteinases.
Pages 186–192
Authors: Qi-Zhi Zhang, Yu-Dong Guo, Hao-Mei Li, Rui-Zheng Wang, Shou-Gang Guo, Yi-Feng Du

27. Beta2-adrenergic receptor gene haplotypes and bronchodilator response in Egyptian patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Pages 193–201
Authors: Mohammad H. Hussein, Khaled E. Sobhy, Irene M. Sabry, Ahmed T. El Serafi, Eman A. Toraih

28. How much information about embryo implantation potential is included in morphokinetic data? A prediction model based on artificial neural networks and principal component analysis.
Pages 202–206
Authors: Robert Milewski, Agnieszka Kuczyńska, Bożena Stankiewicz, Waldemar Kuczyński