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Advances in Medical Sciences            Advances in Medical Sciences

Supplement 1 - Vol. 52, 2007



::Table of contents::

  published online: 6 December 2007

1. Indoor air studies of fungi contamination at the Neonatal Department and Intensive Care Unit an Palliative Care in Kavala Hospital in Greece
Krajewska-Kułak E, Łukaszuk C, Tsokantaridis Ch, Hatzopoulu A, Theodosopoyloy E, Hatzmanasi D, Kosmois D
2. Analysis of the incidence of fungal pathogens in air of the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology of Medical University in Wrocław
Łukaszuk C, Krajewska-Kułak E, Baran E, Szepietowski J , Białynicki-Birula R, Kułak W, Rolka H, Oksiejczuk E
3. Environmental risk of mycosis in patients treated at an acquired immunodeficiency ward
Gniadek A, Macura AB
4. Clinical forms of infections in neonates hospitalized in clinic of obstetrics and perinatology within the space of one year
Jurczak A, Kordek A, Grochans E, Giedrys-Kalemba S
5. In vitro antifungal activity of 2,5 disubstituted amino-oksometyloso-arylo-thiadiazole derivatives
Łukaszuk C, Krajewska-Kułak E, Niewiadomy A, Stachowicz J, Głaszcz U, Oksiejczuk E
6. Clinical and microbiological characteristics of hospital infections in the neonatal intensive care unit
Jurczak A, Kordek A, Grochans E, Giedrys-Kalemba S
7. Satisfaction of women after mastectomy for nursing care
Wrońska I,Stępień R, Dobrowolska B
8. Health-related behaviour self-assessment of children living in a childrens home; study based on own research realised in the Podlaskie Province
Van Damme-Ostapowicz K, Krajewska-Kułak E, Wrońska I, Szczepański M , Kułak W, Łukaszuk C, Jankowiak B, Rolka H, Baranowska A
9. Quality of life self-assessment of children living in a childrens home, based on own research conducted in the Podlaskie Province
Van Damme-Ostapowicz K , Krajewska-Kułak E, Wrońska I, Szczepański M , Kułak W , Łukaszuk C, Jankowiak B, Rolka H , Baranowska A
10. Relations occurring between health-related behaviour categories and quality of life made by children brought up in a childrens home, in the Podlaskie Province
Van Damme-Ostapowicz K, Krajewska-Kułak E, Wrońska I, Szczepański M, Kułak W, Łukaszuk C, Jankowiak B, Rolka H, Baranowska A
11. Comparison functioning and quality of life of patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
Bączyk G, Samborski P, Pieścikowska J, Kmieciak M, Walkowiak I
12. The prevalence of tobacco smoking among Public Health students at Medical University of Białystok
Kanicka M, Szpak A, Drygas W, Rzeźnicki A,Kowalska A
13. Inflammatory bowel disease nursing care during the surgery treatment period
Cierzniakowska K, Szewczyk MT, Cwajda J
14. Comparative analysis of informative support in lactation in lying-in women hospitalized in rooming-in system
Grochans E, Jurczak A, Augustyniuk K, Szych Z, Trypka I
15. Health behaviour of students versus a sense of self-efficacy
Zalewska-Puchała J , Majda A, Gałuszka A, Kolonko J
16. Estimation of the declared knowledge of anaesthesiology nurses concerning some chosen procedures and actions being within the scope of professional competence
Grochans E, Jurczak A, Wieder-Huszla S, Stanisławska M, Prebendowska A
17. Level of preparation for preventive procedures and pressure ulcer treatment in health care units from the Kujawsko-Pomorski region
Dopierała L, Szewczyk MT, Cierzniakowska K, Cwajda J, Popow A, Wyrzykowska M 
18. Quality of teamwork of family doctors and community nurses in primary care for the elderly in two organizational settings – opinions of the family doctors
Doroszkiewicz H, Bień B
19. Exposure the doctors to aggression in the workplace
Jankowiak B, Kowalczuk K, Krajewska-Kułak E, Sierakowska M, Lewko J, Klimaszewska K
20. Urinary incontinence in women as a health and social problem
Leśniczak B, Krasomski G, Stelmach W, Kowalska A
21. Psychological support of a cancer patient based on nursing care process records
Książek J, Gaworska-Krzemińska A, Piotrkowska R
22. Estimation of the psychological load in the performance of nurses work based on subjective fatigue symptoms
Szczurak T ,Kamińska B, Szpak A
23. The analysis healthy behavior among elderly people in Juczyńskis Inventory of Healthy Behavior
Muszalik M, Kędziora-Kornatowska K
24. Quality of life and depression in schizophrenic patients
Górna K, Jaracz K, Wrzyszczyńska L, Rybakowski F
25. Seasonal variation in ischaemic stroke frequency in Podlaskie Province by season
Klimaszewska K, Kułak W, Jankowiak B, Kowalczuk K, Kondzior D, Baranowska A
26. Familial and social conditions of alcohol drinking in children and adolescents
Maciorkowska E, Buraczewska E, Sacharewicz A
27. Attitudes of medical staff in delivering womens opinion
Lewicka M, Machnikowska M, Wiktor H
28. The influence of selected factors on the quality of life of children with headaches
Talarska D, Zgorzalewicz-Stachowiak M
29. The analysis of dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate concentration in elderly age women depending on coexisting disease states
Kędziora-Kornatowska K, Beszczyńska-Oleś R, Kornatowski T, Szadujkis-Szadurski L
30. Strain on the spine professional threat to nurses health
Sienkiewicz Z , Paszek T, Wrońska I
31. A study to ascertain the patients satisfaction of the quality of hospital care in Greece compared with the patients satisfaction in Poland
Theodosopoulou E, Raftopoulos V, Krajewska-Kułak E, Wrońska I, Chatzopulu A, Nikolaos T, Kotrotsiou E, Paralikas Th, Konstantinou E, Tsavelas G
32. Comparative analysis of quality of life women in menopause period in Poland, Greece and Belorussia using MRS scale. Preliminary report
Krajewska K, Krajewska-Kułak E, Heineman L, Adraniotis J, Chadzopulu A, Theodosopoyloy E, Euframidu EN , Kruszewa R, Szpakow A, Jankowiak B, Rolka H, Klimaszewska K, Kowalczuk K, Kondzior D, Baranowska A
33. Quality of life and its relationship to the degree of illness acceptance in patients with diabetes and peripheral diabetic neuropathy
Lewko J, Polityńska B, Kochanowicz J, Zarzycki W, Okruszko A,Sierakowska M, Jankowiak B, Górska M, Krajewska-Kułak E, Kowalczuk K
34. Nursing problems of patients with systemic sclerosis
Sierakowska M, Sierakowski S, Lewko J, Jankowiak B, Kowalczuk K, Krajewska-Kułak E
35. Myopathy as the first symptom of hypokalemic periodic paralysis case report of a girl from a Polish family with CACNA1S (R1239G) mutation
Winczewska-Wiktor A, Steinborn B, Lehmann-Horn F, Biczysko W, Wiktor M, Gurda B, Jurkat-Rott K
36. Neuropsychological assessment in newly diagnosed cryptogenic partial epilepsy in children – a pilot study
Kaczmarek I, Winczewska-Wiktor A, Steinborn B
37. Topiramate as a neuroprotectant in the experimental model of febrile seizures
Sendrowski K, Sobaniec W, Sobaniec-Łotowska ME, Artemowicz B
38. Translocation form of Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome assessment of recurrence rate probability
Panasiuk B, Leśniewicz R, Spółczyńska A, Myśliwiec M, de Die Smulders Ch, Sawicka A, Midro AT
39. Cortical somatosensory evoked potentials and spasticity assessment after Botulinum Toxin Type A injection in children with cerebral palsy
Boćkowski L, Okurowska-Zawada B, Sobaniec W, Kułak W, Sendrowski K
40. Imaging examinations in children with hydrocephalus
Łosowska-Kaniewska D, Oleś A
41. Magnetic resonance imaging of the cerebellum and brain stem in children with cerebral palsy
Kułak W , Sobaniec W 
42. Brain metabolic profile obtained by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy HMRS in children with Down syndrome
Śmigielska-Kuzia J, Sobaniec W
43. Severity of dysarthric speech in children with infantile cerebral palsy in correlation with the brain CT and MRI
Otapowicz D, Sobaniec W, Kułak W, Sendrowski K
44. The usefulness of Quality of Life Childhood Epilepsy (QOLCE) questionnaire in evaluating the quality of life of children with epilepsy
Talarska D
45. The sleep habits and sleep disorders in children with headache
Żarowski M, Młodzikowska-Albrecht J, Steinborn B
46. Past and present of the childrens electroencephalography in Toruń
Łysiak M
47. Clinical-electroencephalographic analysis of brain bioelectrical activity in children with myelomeningocele and internal hydrocephalus
Okurowska-Zawada B, Sobaniec W, Kułak W, Śmigielska-Kuzia J, Paszko-Patej G, Sienkiewicz D, Sendrowski K
48. Antioxidant activity of blood serum and saliva in patients with periodontal disease treated due to epilepsy
Sobaniec H, Sobaniec W, Sendrowski K, Sobaniec S, Pietruska M
49. Narcolepsy, metabolic syndrome and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome as the causes of hypersomnia in children. Report of three cases
Wasilewska J, Jarocka-Cyrta E, Kaczmarski M
50. The symptomatology of tic disorders and concomitant sleep habits in children
Młodzikowska-Albrecht J, Żarowski M, Steinborn B
51. The assessment of comorbid disorders in ADHD children and adolescents
Wiśniewska B, Baranowska W, Wendorff 
52. Bleeding Barretts ulcer as a complication of gerd in physically and intellectually disabled children report of two cases
Jarocka-Cyrta E, Wasilewska J, Sendrowski K, Kaczmarski M
53. Low back pain in school-age children: risk factors, clinical features and diagnostic managment
Boćkowski L, Sobaniec W, Kułak W, Śmigielska-Kuzia J, Sendrowski K, Roszkowska M


Supl 1 -Vol 52, 2007

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