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Advances in Medical Sciences            Advances in Medical Sciences

Volume 48, 2003


::Table of contents::


Chemoprevention of lung cancer: from concept to reality
van Zandwijk N
Abstract, Full text


Epidemiology of viral hepatitis in the Mediterranean Basin
Tahan V, Ozdogan O, Tozun N
Abstract, Full text


IGF-I triple helix gene therapy of rat and human gliomas
Trojan LA, Kopinski P, Mazurek A, Chyczewski L, Ly A, Jarocki P, Nikliski J, Shevelev A, Trzos R, Pan Y, Gitis DJ, Bierwagen M, Czapiewska JL, Wei MX, Michalkiewicz J, Henin D, Popiela T, Evrard F, Kasprzak H,
Anthony D, Trojan J

Abstract, Full text


Growth hormone treatment in pituitary insufficiency: selected cases of children with craniopharyngioma and medulloblastoma
Kedzia A, Obara-Moszynska M, Korman E, Rabska-Pietrzak B, Kopinski P, Trojan J, Gozdzicka-Józefiak A
Abstract, Full text


Serum DNA as a tool for cancer patient management
Ramirez JL, Taron M, Balana C, Sarries C, Mendez P, de Aguirre I, Nunez L, Roig B, Queralt C, Botia M, Rosell R
Abstract, Full text


Importance of nitric oxide (NO) and adenosine in the mechanism of gastric preconditioning induced by short ischemia
Brzozowski T, Ptak A, Kwiecien S, Pajdo R, Drozdowicz D, Pawlik M, Konturek SJ, Pawlik WW
Abstract, Full text


Diethylnitrosamine may induce esophageal dysplasia after local intramural administration
Zgodzinski W , Zinkiewicz K, Juzkiewicz W, Szumilo J, Wallner G
Abstract, Full text


The experimental distention of dissected bile duct for the restoration of its continuity in dogs using a device of own construction
Kakabadze Z, Berishvili E, Dlugosz JW
Abstract, Full text


The role of adenosine receptors for pancreatic blood flow in caerulein-induced acute pancreatitis
Celinski K, Szczerbinski M, Slomka M, Kasztelan-Szczerbinska B

Abstract, Full text


Chymotrypsin-like activity in rat tissues in experimental acute pancreatitis
Piotrowski Z, Mysliwiec P, Gryko M, Ostrowska H, Baltaziak M
Abstract, Full text


Effect of different treatment methods on surviva lin patients with pancreatic cancer
Brasiuniene B, Juozaityte E, Inciura A, Brasiunas V, Barauskas G
Abstract, Full text


Model of single left rat lung transplantation. Relation between surgical experience and outcomes
Kubisa B, Schmid RA, Grodzki T
Abstract, Full text


Impact of interferon-alpha therapyon the serum level of alpha-fetoprotein in patients with chronic viral hepatitis
Kasztelan-Szczerbinska B, Slomka M, Celinski K, Szczerbinski M
Abstract, Full text


IL-15 in the culture supernatants of PMN and PBMC and the serum of patients with Lyme disease
Jablonska E, Marcinczyk M, Talarek L, Pancewicz S, Hermanowska-Szpakowicz T, Jablonski J
Abtract, Full text


Concentration of interleukin-6 (Il-6), interleukin-8 (Il-8) and interleukin-10 (Il-10) in blood serum of breast cancer patients
Kozlowski L, Zakrzewska I, Tokajuk P, Wojtukiewicz MZ
Abstract, Full text


An evaluation of laryngeal cancer morbidity time trends in Lithuania
Jaseviciene J, Gurevicius R, Juozulynas A, Cicenas S
Abstract, Full text


Cytokine and adhesion molecule concentrationsin blood of patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia with regard to disease progression
Parfienczyk A, Kiersnowska-Rogowska B, Rogowski F
Abstract, Full text


Peripheral blood lymphocyte population in children infected with Helicobacter pylori
Maciorkowska E, Kaczmarski M, Stasiak-Barmuta A, Kondej-Muszynska K, Kemona A, Roszko I, Ciesla J, Zielinska A, Gocal M
Abstract, Full text


Comparative evaluation of gastric mucosa morphological changes in children and adults with positive IgG antibodies to Helicobacter pylori
Maciorkowska E, Kaczmarski M, Kemona A, Kondej-Muszynska K,
Gocał M

Abstract, Full text


The incidence of some civilization diseases in families of children with food allergy/intolerance
Mikołuć B, Motkowski R, Krasnow A, Białokoz-Kalinowska I, Piotrowska-Jastrzebska J
Abstract, Full text


The usefulness of testicular atrophy index in the assessment of undescended testicle - preliminary report
Niedzielski J, Pisarska K, Przewratil P
Abstract, Full text


Oxyuriasis-induced intestinal obstruction in a child - case report
Debek W, Dzienis-Koronkiewicz E, Hermanowicz A, Nowowiejska B
Abstract, Full text


High cholesterol in patients with ECG signs of no-reflow after myocardial infarction
Dobrzycki S, Kouch M, Kaminski K, Korecki J, Ostasz A, Podgrudna E, Bonda T, Musiał WJ
Abstract, Full text


Evaluation of skin barrier function in allergic contact dermatitis and atopic dermatitis using method of the continuous TEWL measurement
Laudanska H, Reduta T,Szmitkowska D
Abstract, Full text


Enhanced release of platelet factor 4 into the circulation in patients with atopic eczema/dermatitis syndrome
Kasperska-Zajac A, Rogala B, Nowakowski M
Abstract, Full text


Incidence of elevated LH/FSH ratio in polycystic ovary syndrome women with normo- and hyperinsulinemia
Banaszewska B, Spaczynski RZ, Pelesz M, Pawelczyk L
Abstract, Full text


Uterine contractility signals - an introduction to wavelet analysis
Oczeretko E, Świątecka J, Laudanski T
Abstract, Full text


The evaluation of dentition status in HIV-infected patients
Choromanska M, Wiercinska-Drapało A, Waszkiel D
Abstract, Full text


Release of hydroxyl ions from calcium hydroxide preparations used in endodontic treatment
Pawinska M, Skrzydlewska E
Abstract, Full text


Effects of ebelactone B on cathepsin A activity in intact platelets and on platelet activation Ostrowska H, Dabrowska M, Osada J, Mantur M
Abstract, Full text


The pattern - reversal visual evoked potentials in children with migraine with aura and without aura
Bokowski L, Sobaniec W, Śmigielska-Kuzia J, Kuak W, Sołowiej E
Abstract, Full text

Volume 48, 2003

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